First Hate Facebook Edition

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HATERS GONNA HATE: Facebook Edition

(It must go on)

Hate #1: Fake Bullshit Internet Outrage

I never imagined I’d be posting these to Facebook. But I also never imagined that the Mocking Jay part 1 movie would be so fucking boring. Seriously, did anyone see that yet? It’s almost like in the script that someone wrote for that movie, everything looked like this:

Scene 1: Nothing happens.

Scene 2: Nothing happens.

Scene 3: Katniss removes one single arrow from her quiver but does not fire it.

Scene 4: There is almost action. ALMOST.

Scene 5: Nothing happens.

Scene 6: The end.

^^ Sorry, spoiler alert above. Trigger warning: contains spoilers. But this has nothing to do with anything. And so, once more, here we are again.

TODAY’S HATE! (I’ll never stop loving saying that) is about people who get upset over the most benign, stupid, and unimportant things imaginable. And yes, yes, I know.

“Kevin!” people whine. “Everyone has different things that matter to them!”

Yeah, true, but sometimes on the internet the “outrage” over stupid shit is so great and so astonishing in its unimportance that I actually end up rolling my eyes at it.

For example. I don’t know or care who the fuck Acacia Brinley is. Yet I know this name. Why? Because I call it an “outrage” name. By that I mean every so often I’ll go on Twitter and just see endless amount of this.

“RT if the thing Acacia did to the other person is not okay and is slut-shaming!”

“Nah uh! You’re stupid ‘cause Acacia didn’t slut shame she WAS slut shamed!”

“Nah uh, bitch ho fuck face! SHE slut shamed Lindsay Lohan!”

Me: “Will all you sluts please shut the fuck up and stop clogging up Twitter?”

^^ This is seriously the TYPE of stuff I see everywhere today. And, as is always the case, whoever this person is or whatever it is she did, it gets retweeted ten-thousand times by angry morons who are only being angry to be “part of the club.”

Because that’s the thing with fake, manufactured outrage. People aren’t REALLY upset. God no! They’re just wanting to be “part of the club” and so they work themselves up into a bitch storm and start a whole crapload of trouble—and for what? Because they want to be part of the internet “in crowd.”

The other day, a website called Godaddy was getting a whole bunch of shit for this commercial:

^^ In this commercial, a cute little dog runs around a bit and then it ends. That’s it. If you watch it, there’s really nothing in it that should inspire much outrage. Especially not the kind that sees it being put on every major news channel and becoming a discussion on most morning shows.

Oh, but wait! It happened! Why?

Because, according to the petition to get the ad pulled (which succeeded: )

The ad was “encouraging private breeding/puppy mills while shelter animals wait patiently for their forever homes, or worse — to be euthanized. They are also encouraging purchasing an animal online the animal could be sold to someone who runs a fighting ring, someone who abuses animals, or someone who cannot adequately care for an animal.”

^^ Are you FUCKING kidding me? You got all that from a few-seconds-long commercial about a dog running somewhere? And the outrage! The rage! People are so fucking stupid today that they focus on things that matter so little as to not even be worth a second glance let alone major primetime coverage.

Now, having said that, I also want to say one more thing about that new Hunger Games movie. There’s a part where Katniss jumps out of an airplane. I want this pulled from the movie! Know why? Because if people watch this, it could encourage them to engage in irresponsible skydiving activities and foster a community of skydivers that do not exercise proper safety when jumping out of airplanes! This needs to be taken down at once. Everyone, take to twitter! Hoorah!

But seriously. The outrage machines of today are just revolting in how pointless, pathetic, and unimportant they are in all things.

A few days ago a college sent out an email to its students offering any of them with an unhealthy BMI (body-mass index) free courses to help reduce their BMI to healthier levels. That’s kind of a nice thing, right?



^^ These SJW internet losers. They get me so … so mad.

For one, you don’t have to attend the course. No one’s forcing you to eat less pizza so calm the fuck down. And as a fat fuck myself, I’m really, really getting tired of this “fat-shaming” bullshit. In fact I’m getting tired of anything that has hyphen (-) shaming added to the end of it.





Enough! These stupid internet outrage words spark so much pointless furor over nothing that ever ends up mattering.

You know what matters? The economy.

You know what doesn’t matter? Everything people on Twitter care about. And you have to realize, guys, that the only reason people do this, like I said before, is to feel like they’re “one of the good guys.”

XXoXXInternetFeministXXoXX: “RT if ur tired of fat-shaming ‪#‎howdareutrytomakepeoplehealthy‬”

(100000 likes. 400 shares.)

Response #1: GAHD they’re such ableist, cisgender shitlords!”

Response #2: “I know, right! ‪#‎caredontcare‬ ‪#‎sorrynotsorry‬ ‪#‎followernotleader‬

^^ Enough of this!

So, anyway, vote if you’re—

Err, right, Facebook. (gonna take me some time, guys!)

Like if you’re tired of all the bullshit fake outrage people drum up over nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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