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Katsuki remember, Katsuki remembers what happened when he was young. Katsuki remembers the time he fucked the rest of his life up.

"Katsuki!" His mom is gripping his face hard as tears falls freely on his cheeks.

"Look at me in the eyes." Katsuki tries to run to his room, his path immediately getting blocked by his mom.

He tries to run past her, successfully pushing her out of her path.

His mom gets angry at this, using his full name to address him, anger sipping trough her voice "Katsuki Bakugo."

In fear, the child cower away, jumping on the couch to keep his back safe, taking a pillow with him to hide his face in. To hide his tears from the rest of the world.

"Punch me." Katsuki frantically shake his head.

His mom punch his arms "Punch me."

Katsuki shake his head again, refusing to do what his mom told him to do.

Mitsuki punch him again. Katsuki can't breath, he tries to wheeze some air in as he hiccups. More tears flow trough his eyes.

At this, Mitsuki punch him again on the arm, Katsuki shake his head again, before burrying it in the pillow. Hands tightly gripping it.

His mom do it again a few times before stopping.

She takes him in a hug, he can't escape, he's stuck. He can't move.

"I'm sorry Katsuki, I'm so sorry Katsuki" He can hear the sadness in her voice "What was I supposed to do?! What is a parent supposed to do when their child stop breathing?!" She exclaims.

Probably not hit them, Katsuki tells himself, not daring to say it out loud.

He's stuck. He can't move away from the hug. He tries to stop himself from tensing up as his mom hug him tighter. It gets hard to breath again trough the tears.

"It worked, it worked" He vaguely hears his mom say "You wouldn't react. I got a reaction out of you. I just needed you to do something, it doesn't matter if it was hitting me or crying." Katsuki needs to put his shaking under control.

His mom was trying to help him, that's all. He wasn't supposed to be afraid of her, was he?

Katsuki remembers all of the little thing he did after that that made his mom made. Katsuki remembers.

"Katsuki!" His mom says as she put a hand on his shoulder, he involuntary flinch at the unwelcomed touch.

His mom runs up to him giving him a hug, Katsuki tense up, pushing her away.

His mom pinch him for fun, not hard enough to hurt. Tears start to gather in his eyes as he gets away from her, keeping a four meter distance with his mom at all time.

His mom try to give him a hug again, capturing him in her arms, he yells and trash, trying to get away under the panic. Once he's free, he run up to the bathroom, locking the door behind him as he suffocate on the air. He curls on the floor, feeling sick.

Katsuki knows that it's all those flinching and yelling that ticked her off. He knows. He remembers.

"Katsuki! Stop acting like I'll hurt you! I never did and never will!" His mom Mitsuki screamed, stomping to her son "Do you know how hard it is for me?! I feel like the monster here!" She takes Katsuki's face between two of her fingers, her teeth grinding together in frustration "I took all of my time to raise you! And look what you're giving me back!"

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