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Katsuki had just finished a fight with three older kids, his arms hurts as well as his legs. He can feel blood starting to pour out of his wounds, but he pay no mind. Tears are already building but he doesn't let them fall, aware of Deku watching him, hidden behind a tree.

His shoulder hurts, but he doesn't show it, deciding to ignore the growing pain.

He bring up one of his hands to his eye and take off the tears, screaming at the extras who are running away "Y'all are cowards!"

He trash around, trying to get out what's left of his energy before crashing at home, as to not let the old hag scream at him for hours on end.

He turn around, his gaze meeting Izuku's amazed sad one. The green head is looking at him with adoration pity.

He send him an angry look before demanding him to 'scram!'

Said one scramble up and make a run for it, any adoration left in his mind, slowly flying away at this moment.

Katsuki sit down and curl on himself, trying to suppress the growing emotions. He ends up staying here for a few hours before realizing that it was late. He slowly get up, trying to post-pone the screaming match he will have at the most of his ability, and start to walk home, forcing himself to move.

He's standing in front of his house, he take one last look at himself in a window, to make sure there's no trace left of him crying. After a while he manage the courage to knock, as soon as his little hand connect with the door he gets sucked in, his mom's nail digging in his wrist. He bit his lip, trying to muffle his squeak of pain.

His mom drag him inside until they're in the living room, his dad is sitting on the couch, his eyes following his every movement, looking down at him in disappointment.

"Katsuki", his sickening sweet voice ring in the silent room, "I already told you to not get into a fight, didn't I?" a fake smile spread across his dad's face.

Katsuki doesn't have the time to say 'I'm sorry' before his mom start screaming at him and shouting profanities about how bad he did and that Izuku will always be better than him, because at least, Izuku never talk back. after a while he get sent to bed, without food. again.

He lets out a relieved sigh, it hadn't been that bad today. He look at his bloody wrist, blood pouring out of it. He takes a few minutes to bandage it before crashing on 'his' bed.

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