The Perfect Match ( Prequel to the Hogwarts Diaries)

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Hey another update!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a rockin Christmas this year!!!!!!! Happy birthday to my sexy angel Louis! Song of the day is kiss you by one direction! Oh btw each aribella chapter starts with her journal entry.


I couldn't sleep after we got revenge on Aribella. I decided to go back up to her room. She looks so beautiful in the moonlight that streams through her windows. In the moonlight I can see a book on the ground. It's blue with the words my journal written in gold at the top. I pick up the journal and open it. I shouldn't be doing this and I know that. I just need to know if she likes me back. There is only one entry in it. It's just about her birthday and getting revenge on us. I'll have to check the journal regularly. I head back down to my room and crawl back into bed.


My trunk is packed and my snowy owl Matilda is in her cage. Revenge went really well yesterday. I just hope I make Gryffinndor with Fred and George. There are three reasons that I want to be kept with those two. One is the fact that we do everything together. The next is they make me smile. The third is I have a huge crush on George. I don't know what it is about him, I just think he's cute. Got to go Fred and George are up to something. I tuck my journal safely under my mattress and decide to put it in my trunk later. We arrive at Kings Cross just before eleven. I accidently knock a girl with pale blue eyes and honey blond hair over with my cart. I can feel the tips of my hair go pink. The girl looks shocked and runs to the train. Fred and George come up behind me and say" Ready to go Pinkie?" I mutter the words " Stupid Gingers." And walk to the train with them. The only empty compartment is at the end of the train so we put our stuff in there and go to say our goodbyes.When we get back to our compartment another boy is sitting there too. He smiles and " I'm Lee Jordan. Do you mind if I sit here?" I say " If you don't mind annoying gingers then I don't see a problem." Lee laughs and jokes around with us the entire time. We all get into the same boat once we get there. Hogwarts is amazing and so beautiful! There are a lot of first years so it takes a while to get to my name in the sorting. But when it does the hat doesn't even touch my head before I'm sorted into Gryfinndor! Lee makes Gryfinndor and so does the girl I ran into earlier. Fred and George both get Gryffindor immediately. It's not until later that I remember about my journal that's still in my bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2013 ⏰

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