First mate and swordsman-Zoro Pt.1

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece
The stuff playing on the screen will be in bold . Things that are not playing on the screen will not be underlined.

"The first thing we will be seeing is the First mate." Mena said.

"Why not the Captain first?" Shanks asked.

"Don't question my way of doing this we will get to the Captain eventually. I still love you though." Mena said whispering the last part.

"Huh?" Shanks questioned.

"Don't worry about it." Mena said.

Everyone got seated on the mysterious chairs that appeared out of nowhere and got comfortable. With that the screen started playing and everyone's eyes were on it.

"W-Who the hell are you?!" The person asked in a distorted voice surprised.

The audience were wondering who this mystery person was and if they would be a threat. They were also wondering why it seemed like he was tied to a wooden cross.

They were also a bit agitated that they couldn't see or hear who it was well.

Then a distorted voice and image said "I'm L4kejf! The man who's gonna be the King of Pirates!

"Hey Ace why's that person saying that their gonna become the King of Pirates. I'm gonna become King of Pirates!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Quiet down Luffy and technically they are. After all your still a weak crybaby." Ace said teasing Luffy.

"Shut up Ace! I'll show you later how strong I have gotten in the three years you were gone. And well if they are then from now on they are my enemy." Luffy declared.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say Luffy. Do whatever you want as always." Ace replied.

A certain blonde haired man with a top hat felt a nostalgic feeling watching the two brothers argue but well he brushed that feeling off looking back at the screen.

"Hey how come we can't see or hear the Captain!" Akinu shouted.

" Sheesh, hold your horses it's supposed to be a surprised." Mena said annoyed.

"May I ask why?" Whitebeard asked in all his glory.

"Because it would be more fun and interesting. I mean who doesn't like surprises. Also because lava psycho manic over here would try to kill them once they get the chance. Not that I or other certain people would let him. I would rather avoid it." Mena said.

" I see. Thank you." Whitebeard responded.

"No problem bro anything for you." Mena said.

Some thought that was weird and random but Whitebeard thought it was amusing and they all turned back to the screen.

"Which sword is yours? I couldn't tell so I grabbed all three!" The distorted voice of the Captain said.

"All three are mine. I use three swords." The first mate said voice still distorted.

"You'll take them right? But if we fight together you'll owe me. Being killed by the marines or coming with me .... which one will you pick? The Captain's distorted voice said.

Some swordsmen were interested in who the first mate was because using a three sword technique was not common.

"Is the Captain blackmailing him right now?" Marco asked.

"Sure is Gurararara!!"Whitebeard said while laughing.

"Don't tell me they all join like this." Izo said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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