Before We Begin....

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Hey there!! Author here.

As you most likely read in the description, this is really my first time writing fanfiction - I'm much more used to writing stories with my own original characters and storylines.
Bear with me here, 'cause it's probably not gonna be very good, but I'm gonna try!! :)

Since this is a Y/N story, I'm kinda obligated to leave this stuff here for you to fill out:

{Y/N} = Your name
{N/N} = Nickname
They/Them/Their/Themself = Your preferred pronouns.

You may be thinking that this is too little information, but when I really think about it, this is all you'll really need. :)

Now, with all of that said and done, enjoy. <:

&quot;To The Rescue&quot; {Little Nightmares 2 x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now