Musaigen no phantom world- Haruhiko x reader

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It was the middle of spring, the day wasn't too hot and wasn't too windy, not a phantom in sight.
This was the perfect day for a certain green haired boy to confess his feelings.

His group was expecting this moment, ever since a certain (y/n) transferred to Hosea, everyone could see how flustered he would get.
(Y/n) was a special transfer student who didn't really have any abilities, all that she made up for with intelligence and clever thinking.

Your group consisted of fighters with you as the strategist, and while you weren't in Haru's group, he still managed to use every chance to see you.


Today there weren't any missions to go on, you and your buddies didn't have anything planned so everyone was basically split for the day.
Just as you stepped out of the classroom, pondering what to do, Haru was right around the corner.

Haru:"(y/n)! H-hey!" He stepped in front of you.
"Oh, Haru, how long were you there?"

He blushed and avoided eye contact, clearly not realizing himself why he was there.

Haru:"Oh um! I'm, uh, j-just, here! Just here! Now... And uh..." His words fumbled and he spoke like a kid.
You could only stand there as he made a mess of himself awkwardly.

"Well, I'm just gonna go... I don't have anything planned so I was thinking I'd just binge watch some shows. Take care Haru."
You waved slightly before slowly walking away.

Haru blushed at hearing your voice speak the little nickname you gave him, to him it meant you two were close. But he shook away his blushing mess to remember, he was going to ask you something!
He ran after you, his footsteps getting louder as he reached out and called before you got any farther.
You turned to a boy who just went from one expression to another.

Haru: "I-I-*wheeze* w-wait! Hold on, let me know how to say!"
His face was starting to feel warm, and it only got warmer when you stood there looking directly at him, a concerned look on your face.
Why did you have to be so unreadable?
So glad know one was in the hallway, right?

Haru: "Y-you don't have any plans!"
"Yes... And you?"
Haru: "I don't have any either!" He announced proudly.

You two both stood there quietly, the thing between you and Ichijo, the boy with multiple admirers, was that he was approachable and very sweet. Easy to talk to and a pleasure to be around, as for you, conversations had to be planned, otherwise you'll just be uncomfortably silent like right now.
So to put a lovable bunny in a random hallway with an awkward kitten would be an unlikely pair. Yet here you are, having a nightmare scenario.

"That's...ok? I guess we're both bored then." You tried to say, yet seemed to mutter.
Haru: "Y-yeah! And since we Both are! Why don't we, spend a day together?"
Haru mentally crossed his fingers, he had to plan this question! What a social agony this was.

"Um... None of your teammates want to join?" You tilted your head a little to the corner of girls behind Haru looking strangely.
Haru turned his head but the girls immediately retreated, so he saw nothing. He turned back and gave you that same old smile, then chuckled.
Haru: "Oh no, they aren't interested in any of my plans, so I thought it'd be nice if you could come along!"

He was very sweet, so of course you joined him, hoping that there wouldn't be any phantoms ruining the mood.

Ichijo's plans were actually fun, and suspiciously fitting for two people.

There was a walk near the garden of the school, as he wanted to pick up some berries.

"Plants smell nice after you water them." You took a watering pot and started walking down the row of berry plants.
Haru: "Right? I actually once fought against a plant phantom once! It was pretty scary, but smelled pretty nice after my teammates pushed it into a lake."
"Speaking of your teammates, you picking some fruit for them?"
You gestered to the small container of berries in his hand, as he was kneeling and subconsciously picking one by one.
Haru: "Huh? Oh these? No *chuckles* I've actually planned to grab some things for a little surprise. And I thought you'd be perfect in helping me."
"But I thought you said you didn't have plans." You questioned suspiciously.
Haru: "What? I did? Ah-um... T-that, was actually just an excuse to have you join me." He stood up hiding his face bashfully, holding the small container of fruit with both hands.

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