Detective Conan- Gin x reader

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Requested by Norachi_Tina

"I wonder when he'll be back again."


I've been seeing this man for awhile, well, he's the one who's been seeing me. At random days I'll see him at my doorstep or on rare occasions the sidewalk, his long silver hair and murderous eyes, looking me down with this strange gaze.

I had no idea how he figured out where I lived, I just knew he was a stalker and my first thoughts were to get him arrested.

I was an indoor introvert, and I loved hacking, so this should've been easy.

His first visit to my house was a scare, yet he kept looking at me all sweetly through the doorway. This tall thin man, "Hello (y/n)" he purred.

I felt so numb from the surprise I didn't know what to do, what to say. He chuckled a little, looking at me and smirking a little. I must've blushed. I must admit, he was a handsome guy.
As I walked back, I felt a chill in my long sleeve shirt.
(What were in the pockets of his trench coat?! What's with his smirk? Why is he here?!)

"You know who I am?" He whispered.
"No, but I do know that I spend most of my days indoors, so there's no way I could've ticked off anyone." I spoke softly.

His height compared to mine, there was no escape, or opening to take a picture. I never felt so weak.

"Now now, who said I was ticked off?" He gave a killer smile.
"Won't you give me a hand dear?" He stretched out hand, acting like a dapper gentlemen, with an icy aura.


He needed me to hack into some cameras, and erase some footage, at this point I didn't want to die so I just did it. I went to my desk, him following right behind me, and he gave me a list of security cameras. I used my skills and looked them all up as he was breathing down my neck, it's like he was smiling. My face started getting oddly hot with my mix of fear.
In the footages I saw what he could do, what comrades he had, I felt so many chills down my spine as I slowly erased them one by one.
The only noises in my room right now were the taps of my keyboard, the clicks of my house, and his chuckling as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"You're quite handy, I like that in a person. What else can you do?" He whispered in my ear.
"T-this is my only talent."

He swiftly turned me around in my chair, promptly putting both hands on both my shoulders. I didn't have time to reach my phone, i felt so afraid.
"But you can remember things right? You'd best remember me. I go by many names, you'll remember me as Gin, I'll see you again little dear."

Gin. As soon as I heard that name, my mind went blank, I could only sit their as he walked out of my room and out the door. What did I do to get the attention of him of all people?


I'm a simple person, an introvert who starts indoors, and I specialize in programming, sometimes a little more. I never once did anything illegal with my gift, but he decided to change that.
Gin, Black organization member, a killer, an assassin, a brutal, icy man. On random days he would visit me with a request, as long as I completed it, he wouldn't hurt me. But, during each visit, his smile would look, more, cheerful? No. Affectionate, those murderous glares soon turned into soft glances, his threatening aura becoming one of a delighted man, visiting a dear friend.

I decided that if I don't want to die, i should start caring less about life, and more about working.
I just got used to him coming by, I'd be lounging on my couch, laying by the armrest, him on the other side. With a smile that I no longer felt anxious from, but mostly ignited. He became so casual to me, at one point he swung an arm around my shoulder before coming in.

"Gin, please get your arm off my shoulder, I can't focus like this."
Gin: "Oh? Do you not like my body language?"
"No, just saying, I work faster with more room."
Gin: "And I'm on break, so you can take as long as you'd like!" He answered gleefully, sitting closer to me on the couch, chin almost resting on my head.

It could've just been the computer on my lap, but I started feeling hot, it's the same best i felt from our first meeting.

"Gin, I'm almost done erasing the footage, so you can back away now." I said in a tired voice.

From the reflection on my laptop screen, i could see him smiling.
Arm still wrapped around my shoulders, invading my bubble, his free hand is lifted to gently brush against my arm, then to my shoulder.

"You certainly got used to me quickly" He said in my ear, i tilted my head away.
"I don't want to die, but at the same time i don't care, I'm not being paid to do this so it's honestly all just a pain, let me did this quickly so you can go."
He chuckled.
"I'll give you something to care about."
"Wha- mph!"

The swift motion of his hand to the chill of his lips, eyes sincerely closed and body tilted to reach mine. To think we've reached such a close proximity.
He moved away just enough to look into my eyes, the widest they've ever been. Did he always look this attractive?

"It's a pain every time i visit? Well now hopefully, the next visits will be more rewarding." He grinned. 
"Don't you... Don't... You're... You're very cocky." I've never been kissed like that before, what am i supposed to say?
From a madman to this mysterious guy you'd see at a bar, my fantasies were running wild.

He smirked, and took my laptop from me, turning my body to his.

"Don't lie, you think you deserve something don't you? If you wanted compensation, I'll pay with my body." He whispered.

No. Stop! I'm just a hermit! Don't just say these things to me!"

"But you said it was a pain for you! So I'll be out of your hair!" He swiftly moved away from me, standing up as if to walk away.

This sadist.

"I-... I don't..." Say something!

He hummed and turned around to look at my form, leaning towards his direction.

"As long as you don't threaten or hurt me..... You're welcome anytime." I said with a voice crack mid sentence. God, help me i sound so desperate.

I could only look away, this man is a sadist and I've been caught in his web.

I heard that same old chuckle he'd give me, i could hear his footsteps as he reached for my shoulder.

"I'll be back again, don't miss me you much." And then he left, out the door into the night.

I ran to my bathroom and looked into the mirror, I'm completely red.

"I wonder when he'll be back again."


Hello i hoped you enjoys this! To the one who requested this, I hope this is what you wanted! And if not just tell me and give me the scenario you wanted, and I'll write another chapter!

Merci beaucoup!


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