Muzzle and silk- 2/?

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I wake back up in what seems to be Hannibal's bedroom. Blackish brown silk sheets were atop the bed I was on, and dark blackout curtains hung heavy over the large windows, throwing my internal clock off my mental mantle. I looked around the room once more before giving a poor excuse of getting off the lush bed.
But I couldn't move my hands. And unknown to me, I wasn't alone. He was watching me from the doorframe, which wasn't surprising as it was never closed. White leather straps bound my hands in place for whatever was to come next, and I was to be conscious for all of it.
Now realizing the door was slightly ajar and my psychiatrist was most certainly watching my confusion, I straightened up and awkwardly made my way to him, my hands bound in front of me and my mouth still covered by the mask. He saw I was doing just fine without his help and turned for the kitchen, knowing I was to follow him.
The hallway was elegant and familiar, mahogany trim laced the dark floral blue wall paper that seemed too nice to be simply wallpaper. Lighting in this hall was scarce to none, too late to turn them on but too early to rely on the suns rays.

When we arrived in the kitchen, the sun finally peeled through the curtains and gave the room an eerie aura from the early light and fog. Hannibal said that he'd start in breakfast, and that I could simply relax and do what I wanted, so I hopped onto a stool at the center island and watched his art of making meals, and getting the faint smells of what should have been pork bacon but I knew wasn't. I was still content in watching him make bacon, eggs, sausage, and some toast, and surprisingly still make the simple breakfast look as attractive as a dinner course.
When he plated the food and carried it to the dining room, he placed the plates at the head of the table and to the right of his seat. I sat down at the side chair and almost reached for the fork before remembering the restraints. Looking at Hannibal with an innocent look in my eyes, and he soon realized the mistake and took off the mask and carefully removed the cuffs from my wrists with a small and dumbfounded apology.
"Hmph! You can't simply make food and put in front of me like that, it's teasing and I don't like it!" I said in a childish manner, knowing I wouldn't make any difference as to how I was treated. As far as I knew, he could tie me up and place a five course feast on the table and he wouldn't care one bit.
Besides, it's not like I was hungry anyway, I had enough food the previous day; a piece of toast and an undercooked egg, both eaten at different points of the day. I knew it wasn't healthy to starve myself but I had work to do and I didn't have time to eat.

After I ate two of the bread pieces, a piece of bacon, and an egg, the plate still held much of the gourmet food. The good doctor glanced at me, but I hadn't noticed, my gaze was still set on the mask and thick leather that so easily held my body with such blissful precision. He seemed to have seen my staring.
"It seems you prefer being immobilized to being free, if you need I can help you back into it," his beautiful accented voice told me, luring me into his lovely trap once more. I nodded quickly, eager for what I knew was to come.
Soon enough, the beautifully crafted restraints were clashing against my scarred wrists and unshaven face, but before he placed the mask on me he kissed me, a long and passionate kiss, and finally secured the grand center piece over my mouth and nose. Before he rebound my hands however, he removed my shirt, leaving my upper torso bare for marking and whatever else. Hannibal soon guided me to his elaborate living room, sitting me on the couch and him sitting beside me. He turned so we faced each other and then grabbed an item from a side table, and my breath hitched as I realized what the item was.

A white leather collar with gold leafing, designed to match the mask and wrist accessories. He must have made it while I was asleep the night earlier and simply waited till I got the others on first.

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