Chapter 8- Ino's (Bad) Luck

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Sasuke's POV

I had just barely gotten back to sleep when I felt someone shake me awake. I had been up most of the night, worrying about Naruto. When I turned over to see who had shaken me, and I saw Naruto standing there looking tired. "What do you want, dobe?" I asked.

"It's like 9 am, we should have been up by now. If we sleep any longer, I think they will start worrying we're dead or something." he replied. I slowly got up, grumbling. I walked into the bathroom, got dressed, and went back into the room. Naruto was already dressed and leaning on the door. Most likely waiting for me to come out, so we can go. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder, he looks up and smiles, then opens the door,  and walks out. I follow him down to one of the main rooms, and see everyone there. I look over at where Sakura is standing, expecting Ino to be standing next to her, chatting animatedly. To my surprise, my eyes find a shocked Sakura, looking at the spot next to me, where Naruto is standing. I look over too, and find Naruto and Ino talking to each other on the floor. How did she get over here so fast. We haven't even been in the room for half a minute. I guess that's what Sakura was so shocked about. Maybe she was talking to Ino before, after all. I leave them both on the floor talking happily to each other, something about a prank Naruto played that got Jiraiya beat up. I walk over to Shikamaru, who hadn't noticed we entered the room yet, so when I tapped on his shoulder, he jumped and turned around. He noticed it was me and relaxed, lazily saying, "Oh, hey Sasuke. Did you need something?"

"Um, yeah, I actually wanted to talk to you. About Naruto" I said, hesitating a bit.

"Oh, um, well, did you have a question? Or, just wanted to tell me something about him." he said back to me.

"I just wanted to know. Do YOU know what is going on with him, or no?"

"I know, and so does Gaara, I was on my way to ask Kakashi and Asuma-sensei about what happened last night when I bumped into him. I told him what happened, and he wanted to come along too."

"Oh, OK." 

"Is there anything else you needed?"

"Um, yeah. I actually have another question somewhat relating to Naruto, but not really."

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"Uh, was Ino talking to Sakura 4 minutes ago?"

"Um, yeah, how does this relate to Naruto at all, though?"

"Well, as soon as we came in, like really, it couldn't have been more than 15 seconds, but anyway, Ino and Naruto were on the floor talking to each other. See?" I said pointing to where Ino and Naruto were trying not to cry from laughing too hard at something.

Shikamaru looked at them and then he said, "Wonder what they're laughing about." Then he walked away from me. That was weird. 

Naruto POV

As soon as we entered the room, Ino got up and pounced on me. "Happy Birthday Naru!" she exclaimed, I got her to let me out of the bone crushing hug she had me in.  We sat on the floor and we started talking, I told her about the prank I pulled a few days before we got this mission. "I was trying to find Pervy Sage and I thought to look at the hot springs. I covered my eyes after doing the sexy jutsu. I peeked through my hand and saw Pervy Sage, I made sure I didn't see inside though. But anyway, I saw him, and in a really girly voice I screamed, 'AHH, PERVERT' and I ran out, before any of the women came out. Long story short, when he came out, he was bruised and had blood all over his face, after him, like 9 women came out and they looked angry, and had blood on their hands." Ino was trying not to cry from laughter. I was laughing pretty hard my self at this point. "I can NOT believe you actually did that." Ino said with LITERAL TEARS in her eyes.

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