Ch 1- The Mission

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3rd Person POV

No one knows Naruto has a mask, he hasn't let anyone find out, some things have changed since you last heard from Naruto. He is now 16 years old and now the Hokage is Tsunade, Sakura is about as useless as she was when she first came to the academy, which was when Naruto was taking his 2nd year. He acted like an idiot but he had even more knowledge than the ANBU captain in jutsus, and is about high jonin level in knowledge you would find in books.

Naruto is still getting beat but once he was made a genin it toned down a little. However, Naruto has been raped, beaten, starved, name-called, and had words carved into him. He knew he was the host of The Nine Tailed Fox when Iruka told him. Soon after, he had learned how to go into mindscape and that meant he met the Nine-Tails. He became friends with him and learned his name was Kurama. He also was allowed to use Kurama's chakra at any time.

Naruto had also become very depressed even though he had another friend. He had started cutting when he was about 7, the first time he got raped. He had developed PTSD, and sometimes got panic attacks although not many things could send him into one. The few things that were able to set him off were people touching him in inappropriate areas without his permission. The smell of alcohol, which is what people usually use to make his scars well... scars. He was fine with the smell of alcohol if it was coming from Tsunade though because he knew she would never hurt him a lot. The last thing that can set him off into a panic attack was someone having a mental breakdown. He is scared of that because one day a little boy was having a mental breakdown and Naruto was near him so the villagers automatically assumed that Naruto was the one that had caused it and beat him for 'making an innocent boy have a mental breakdown'

Naruto had also stopped eating more than 3 meals a week, but was still able to keep up incredible strength, so no one suspected anything. He also had scars littering his body, words carved into him that have turned into scars, and of course his bandaged up wrists.

Bubblegum Bitch's POV

I cannot believe this, my parents grounded me and they say I can't leave the house unless it's for training or a mission. I wish I didn't have parents. Wait what am I saying, if I didn't have parents I would end up like Naruto-baka. I would rather have NICE parents mine are always so mean making me do chores and can't go five minutes without butting into MY PERSONAL LIFE. Maybe if my parents weren't so strict Sasuke-kun would like me.

I then remember that we have a meeting with the hokage with teams 8 and 10. And that means I have to see Ino-pig who is trying to steal MY Sasuke-kun away from me.

Oh, that's right I also get to see my Sasuke-kun there. Well at least one thing is going good for me.

If one more thing goes bad for me I might end up with depression which isn't so bad in my opinion. Like, I can be sad for awhile its not a big deal. (A/N bitch stfu)

And everyone would be there to help me and Sasuke-kun would feel bad for me and we will start dating and get married and have kids and a house and Naruto-baka and Ino-pig will be lonely.

It's almost time for the meeting with Tsunade-sama so I guess I should start heading to the hokages tower. I hope Kakashi Sensei won't be late.

I started walking down the stairs when mom and dad say,"Where are you going your grounded?" Ugh. So. Annoying.

"We have a mission with Teams 8 and 10 and I'm going to the hokage to see what our mission is with the rest of us" I say in an annoyed way.

"Okay honey, have fun, we love you, stay safe." They say as they turn back to their tasks. Ugh. So embarrassing. I just snort with laughter and turn on my heel and walk away.

Naruto's POV

I wake up to Kurama telling me to "wake the fuck up", and I stretch and sit up, I realize I have a meeting with granny and team 10 and 8 and of course my team, to find out a mission we are going on. I hope it lasts long it's October 5th and I don't want to be here when the "fox hunt" begins on my birthday. It is basically saying 'whoever finds and beats that thing , the best wins' and it just so happens that that thing is me. I get up and walk over to the bathroom I look in the mirror my spiky blond hair seemed messier then usual and bright blue eyes sparkling without my permission.

I hate it when my eyes sparkle but at the same time it helps keep up my mask so I don't mind it too much when I am with other people. I shower and change into my orange jumpsuit, I then skip breakfast and shunshin to directly outside granny's office and about 3 seconds later as I was about to turn the handle Ino came around the corner and tackled me in a hug. "I missed you, I haven't seen you for a while!" she said while beaming and laughing. I fake a huge smile too and hug her too, "I've missed you too." I say and we pull apart. I would never do that if she hadn't told me she's gay it would feel too awkward.

About 3 seconds after we pull apart Sakura comes around the corner and yells. "Naruto, how Dare you get here before Sasuke-kun!" she said running over to us and smacking me on the head.

Why did I have to pick HER to pretend to like. I don't necessarily do it because I am gay or anything I only really do it because I thought everyone would be confused as to why I didn't if I didn't have a crush. So I chose her. I am not sure why but if I ever get a time machine I will go back in time and warn him. Him being past me.

After Sakura decided she was done yelling we walked into granny's office. I see her sitting behind her desk waiting for us. She said hello to all of us and then told us to sit down. We were the first people there so we all waited in silence for everyone to show up. One after another shows up and I feel a wave of disbelief wash over me as I stare at the figure that just came in

It was Kakashi-sensei and he was on time and he actually used a door.

Anyways, we waited for about 8 more minutes until everyone had showed up.

The senseis all asked at the same time, "Lady Tsunade, what is the mission?" she smiles and says, "You will all take a month long mission out of Konoha to bond."

Everyone looked worried about what everyone may hear, probably. I was very, very un-enthusiastic about this mission though. What if they find out. I stop thinking about it for a minute while plastering a fake smile on my face with excitement and she dismisses us to go pack anything we may need for a month long mission.

I was not looking forward this mission AT ALL. It was gonna be a full examination of my past and present if they found even one of the scars. It was obvious I am not allowed to let them see even if its only one,

Word count: 1303

A/N Sorry this chapter wasn't as long as the last one it is a school night and it is now 12:52 am and I need sleep. I will try to update tomorrow.

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