Luz x Undefined Fem! Reader

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Requested by: FriendsOfMara101 for: OfficialDrUnKaDoRa
(this took forever to come up and I'm sorry it's a little short. I'm on hiatus so I'm having my friend sign-on and publish this for me later. )

Undefined means that you aren't specifically a witch or a human. 


Luz had invited a few friends (including me) over and we decided to stay the night. It was already getting late, so we decided to start cleaning up our things and then go ahead and pass out. 
I walk over to the other side of the room to pick up one of Ms. Eda's things that had fallen off the shelf when I heard some talking. I walked closer to the sound and found out it was coming from somewhere in the hall. I stuck my head back in the living room to make sure no one else saw me do this. Willow and Gus were already snug in their sleeping bags, and I think Gus was snoring.

I walked inside the hall, hearing the voices get louder as I walk more towards Luz's room. 
Now, I'm not one to eavesdrop, but one time can't hurt, right? They could be talking about something important, like grades or maybe some sort of surprise test... or me. 
Please be talking about me, Luz. 

I see the door to her room cracked open, so I lightly poke it, opening it just enough so I can hear what they're saying. 

"But don't you think it's weird?" amity asked, seeming a little annoyed. 

"No, pfffffffffffttttttt why would it be wEiRd?" Luz asked, clearly sounding distressed.

There was silence for a moment before luz sighed heavily. 

"Fine, yes I think it's weird she showed up."

She? Are they talking about Willow? Maybe some other sleepover they've had? 

"She's never really hung out with us at school before, but I invited her after she went on that last adventure with us. I thought it was a good idea, but she's barely spoken to me. Last time I tried to talk to her, she turned around, squeaked, and ran off."

I shake my head and sigh. They're definitely talking about me. We had gone on our adventure less than a month ago, but I couldn't get Luz out of my head. She was amazing, so I tried to talk to her at school, I just couldn't. I was way too nervous. She just makes me go....
( Insert Luz meme here )  AGHHHHHHaggahagahaghagrhagrhagrhagrhagh

"I don't think she likes me, Amity. Not like that." 

Luz sighs, and Amity says something I couldn't hear because I had to take a second to process what Luz said before sliding down the wall, slipping, hitting my head on the door, and opening it wide, my legs still out in the hall and my head looking up at the one of a very confused Luz.

"Uh, haha, hi."
I squeak, waving my hand with an awkward smile.
"I was uh, just here to... tell you everyone else is in bed right now and..."
 I trail off, as Luz sticks her hand out for me to grab and help myself up. I hesitate, but I grab her hand which was unsurprisingly baby soft with a few scratches or scars here and there. 

"No problem! Amity and I were just talking, but I think we're done for now."
Luz says, smiling at me before leaning over, kissing my cheek, and walking back into the living room. I take a second to process what just happened, then smile as Amity gives me an effortless thumbs up, and walks off.

I shake my head and walk after them, smiling wide and I have no doubt my face is really red. 

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