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During our three-day stay in Santorini, Lisa distanced herself from me, and was only engaging in conversation when necessary. The night she confessed her love, sleep eluded me as I grappled with conflicting emotions. Uncertain about how to process her declaration, I found myself puzzled by her request for the truth.. I honestly, don't know what to feel about it. What truth did she want to know?

Upon our return to Seoul, Lisa headed straight to the company, informing us that she has a meeting with an investor. It wasn't just me who noticed Lisa's changed. Jisoo and Seulgi asked if I had any ideas, but like them, I was at a loss.

"There's something seriously off with Lisa," Irene voiced out as soon as we entered the unit.

"I observed the same in Santorini. She distanced herself, locked herself in her room, and told us that she was just busy," Chaeyoung added.

"I tried to ask her, but she just said she was tired," Seulgi stated.

"You should talk to her, Jendeuk; maybe Lisa will tell you about her troubles, especially since she feels comfortable with you," Jisoo suggested, capturing the attention of the group.

"I'm not sure. She also distanced herself from me," I replied.

"This isn't the usual Lisa we know. The last time she acted like this was when Mina left her," Seulgi recalled, piquing my interest.

"Mina?" I inquired.

"Yes, Mina, her ex-girlfriend. She chose her career over her relationship with Lisa. Mina's ambition led her to choose her career, causing a rift between them," Jisoo explained.

"Lisa even followed Mina in the US in an attempt to reconcile, but Mina couldn't handle a long-distance relationship. Despite Lisa's willingness to split her time between Seoul and LA, Mina didn't agree. In the end,, Lisa returned to Seoul heartbroken," Seulgi elaborated.

"For six years, Lisa never introduced anyone new into her life. She never committed to any flings because her heart still belonged to her ex. However, when she met you, Jendeuk, she opened up her heart once more. I know you both have an arrangement, but her love for you is genuine. I hope you'll consider giving her a chance," Jisoo revealed, leaving me uncertain about my next steps.

"I-I'm not used to this kind of relationship—

"We understand, but could you at least give it a chance? Feelings can evolve, right?" Jisoo interjected before I could finish.

Should I disclose the truth about Taehyung and me to Lisa?



At around 11 PM, Lisa returned home, shedding her clothes without leaving a trace and heading straight to the bathroom to calm her frayed nerves. Despite her efforts to distract herself from the unsettling event she witnessed at Jennie's school, the memory lingered in her mind. She had hoped that visiting her favorite country would bring her peace of mind and perhaps prompt Jennie to come clean about her actions, but Jennie continued to deceive her.

Upon their return to Seoul, Lisa's parents informed her that investors wanted to meet with her to personally conduct a presentation as the CEO of the Manoban Group. During their time in Santorini, she had secluded herself in her room due to her demanding work responsibilities. Although she had not intended to work during her vacation, unforeseen circumstances arose, compelling her to address the issue even while away or risk returning to Seoul.

The night when Lisa asked Jennie to tell her the truth, she was referring to her secret relationship with Taehyung. Yes, she knew and had seen everything.

Before the incident, Lisa went to pick up Jennie from school at her parents' request. Jennie's mother adored her and was eagerly anticipating her daughter's wedding. Upon arriving at the school, Lisa noticed Jennie with Kim Taehyung. Her anger surged at the sight, prompting her to hasten her steps until Jennie mentioned their agreement to Taehyung.

What pained her even more was when Jennie expressed her feelings for him. The blow hit harder when Taehyung asked her to be his girlfriend, and Lisa's heart sank further when Jennie accepted. To worsen matters, Jennie instructed Taehyung to keep their relationship hidden from Lisa, deepening the Thai woman's distress.

Feeling hurt, Lisa left Jennie that day. When she returned home, her mother asked her why Jennie wasn't with her.


"Sweetie, I thought you went to pick up Jennie from school?" Her mom asked..

"Yes, unfortunately, she mentioned having numerous projects and exams to focus on as her graduation nears. I didn't want to disrupt her studies; she needs to concentrate, mom," Lisa lied.

"That's unfortunate, but you're right, education is important. You're lucky to have Jennie, she's so dedicated," her mom commented, causing tears to well up in her eyes so she hurriedly turned away to hide her emotions.

"Mom, I, uh, I think I need to go to my room. I, I need to freshen up; I feel a bit off," Lisa stammered, her voice cracking, catching her mom's attention.

"What's the matter, sweetie? Are you okay?" Her mom tried to approach her, but Lisa shook her head and quickly excused herself.

"I'm fine, mom; just tired. I'm heading to my room; we'll talk later," Lisa reassured her before rushing upstairs.

During dinner, her parents noticed her puffy eyes, prompting her mom to express concern.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Her mother asked.

"Oh, nothing, mom. I was watching one of my favorite shows, and it had a touching scene that made me emotional," Lisa lied once more.

"Okay sweetie, but if you have a problem, don't hesitate to tell us, we are your parents and we don't want to see you getting hurt, alright?" Her mom told her.

"Of course, mom," Lisa replied. Though her parents sensed something off with their daughter, they respected her privacy and patiently waited for her to share.

"Well, actually, I have a request," Lisa broke the silence.

"Sure, sweetie, anything you need, what is it?" Her dad inquired.

"Could we postpone the wedding?"

"Why?" Her mom asked..

"I don't want to rush things with Jennie; her graduation is approaching, and I want her to focus on her studies first. I know you gave me a two-week deadline to introduce a wife, but I don't want to pressure Jennie," Lisa explained. With Jennie preparing for her graduation, Lisa seized the opportunity to delay the wedding, allowing Jennie time to come clean.

"Of course, sweetie, we understand your concern for your fiancée, and we're delighted that you've found the one," Mrs. Manoban agreed.

"When would you like to reschedule the wedding then?" Her father inquired.

"Maybe in a month," Lisa replied.



Lisa gave Jennie a month to tell her the truth, she is willing to forgive and forget everything, but Jennie continued to deceive her. Even during their stay in Santorini, when she asked Jennie to reveal the truth, the latter just remained silent.

Lisa's heart breaks for the third time.

You asked yourself what could have possibly been wrong with you, why does every woman you love keep hurting you? When Mina left you, your world has been shattered, you forgot that the world is still revolving but when the woman you loved left you, you stopped your world. You stayed and locked yourself in your room. Your parents didn't know what they would do to make you feel alright. You built a wall to guard your heart not to feel the same heartache ever again. Six years you guard your heart but when you laid your eyes on the feline-eyed woman, you give your heart a chance to love again.

When Jennie told you that she didn't prefer to have a same-sex relationship, you laughed at her, you knew in yourself that you can bend every straight woman and you promised to make Jennie fall for you.

You did love Jennie with every fiber of her being. You love her on the days that she was unpleasant to you because you know that it's one of her attitudes that you like about her. You love Jennie through changing circumstances and the rapid movement of time and you still love her even when she has decided to break your heart and trust.

But you are Lisa, you are madly deeply in love with Jennie and even though she breaks your heart, your love for her will never be broken. You are making yourself believe that deep inside, Jennie will one day see you and will love you genuinely.

So, you will probably allow a few more tears to fall down in your eyes and wait until Jennie wipes those away and accepts your love for her.


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