Chapter 4

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When Bazza had enough of gazing over his personal balcony, he decided to shower and get ready to meet all the guests.

He didn't want to look disgruntled and dirty in case there were any hot sheilas about.

Bazza threw on a gray v cut shirt and some distressed jeans for his attire then gelled his hair to his usual liking.

The young man was nervous but also excited for the possibilities that awaited him.

When Bazza entered the living room, there were more people sitting and chatting amongst themselves.

"Bazza, I'm glad you could make it," waved Bab enthusiastically.

He walked over to the woman who was holding a rather fancy fruity drink.

"They have everything here and there is a full liquor bar!"

Hearing that made Bazza grin for he sure loved to drink and eat.

"I think I'll grab myself a cold one," he said as he walked on to the room that had its own bar.

There were flashing lights and what sounded to be techno music playing.

A young woman with beach blond hair and coloured highlights was standing beside Carlos, smiling.

"Hey Bazza! Looks like you found the coolest room here." Shouted the hyper man.

Bazza walked over and studied the woman in interest.

He could tell she had sparkling blue eyes even in the flashing light and soft full lips.

"Ellis Dee but you can just call me Ellis," she said rushed while glancing down at the floor occasionally.

Bazza gave a little wave and smiled slightly. Perhaps introductions were always the most awkward.

He asked her all sorts of ice breaker questions to help ease her into interaction and the longer he talked to her, the more he felt attracted to her quirkiness.

She must have not minded because soon she was relaxing a bit and giving him more eye contact, showing off those gorgeous eyes.

It was only when Bab found them and called them to the living room that they stopped staring at each other.

Once gathered in the living room, Bab cleared her throat and spoke.

"Hello everyone, my name is Bab for those who have not yet already met me. I'm not the coordinator or anything but there were no real messages left so someone has to be in charge."

There were some snorts from a red headed man skulling a beer shirtless while wearing busted up thongs and a towel around his waist.

"Florida Man, if you have anything constructive to say, please feel free to talk otherwise keep your noises down," shot Bab as her brows furrowed a bit.

The chunky man laughed and then shot back the rest of his beer before burping a loud one.

"Hey y'all, my name is James but most people call me Florida Man. I like long walks on the beach, wrestling alligators, and drinking."

He then bowed while some gave a slow confused clap or laughed.

It seemed the man had no shame but Bazza didn't mind and he reminded him of some mates back home.

"Thank you for that wonderful description of yourself," said Bab sarcastically.

She then turned to Bazza and motioned for him to stand beside her.

"Everyone, this is our final guest Bazza. He's from Australia. Please make him feel welcomed."

Everyone clapped except Florida Man who cat called loudly.

He didn't like being the center of attention but he put up with it because Bab was so kind and thoughtful.

"Hey my name is Bazza, I'm from Victoria. I like watching footy, surfing, and pretty girls."

Floria Man clapped loudly and gave a roaring laugh of approval.

When the meeting was over, Bazza slowly made his way over to Ellis who was standing by herself.

"How do you think this competition will go? Do you think it will be like Survivor?" Asked Ellis in almost a nervous manor.

Bazza didn't know exactly but he hoped that he and Ellis would he the last two standing.

"I'm sure it's something like that but all I know is, I want you on my team," whispered the man as he smiled.

Ellis agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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