chapter xviii - part ii

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"I'll go with you!" Granger sobbed as Potter let her clutch at him.

"No. I have to do this on my own, 'Mione. Kill the snake. It's the only hope you have to defeat Voldemort." 

Potter gave a hug to Weasley, smiling sadly at Asterin, before going down the stairs to leave the castle towards the Forbidden Forest. 

Asterin watched him walk away with tears in her eyes. The Boy Who Lived.. sent to die at the hands of a madman. 

"Come, Aster. I'm sure Madam Pomfrey could use our help."

Asterin looked away from the retreating figure to grasp Granger's hand, allowing her to help her back to the destroyed main hall.


Walking into a clearing in the Forest, Harry pulls the Snitch from his pocket, "I'm ready to die." He places it to his lips and it suddenly opens to reveal a small black stone. "The Resurrection Stone," he breathed out a gasp. With those words, his parents, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin appeared around him. Harry could hardly believe his eyes, but the Resurrection Stone held great power, nothing really surprised him anymore.

"You've been so brave, sweetheart," his mother told him with a sad smile.

"Why are you here, all of you?" 

"We never left, my darling boy.

Harry turned to his godfather, wishing he could hug him one more time, "Does it hurt, dying?"

"Quicker than falling asleep."

"You're nearly there, son," his father was next to give him a sad smile. 

"I'm sorry. I never wanted any of you to die for me. And Remus, your son," he trailed off as if it pained him to finish his sentence.

Remus refused to allow Harry to feel guilty, he died for a noble cause, both him and his wife, "Others will tell him what his mother and father died for. One day, he'll understand."

"You'll stay with me?" Maybe he could accept death easier if his loved ones surrounded him.

"Until the end," his father replied. 

"And he won't be able to see you?"

"No." Sirius points to Harry's chest, directly above his heart. "We're here, you see."

"Stay close to me."

"Always." His mother replied.

Harry began walking again, his lips in a grim smile as he finally saw Voldemort and his precious Death Eaters. 

"Ah.. Harry Potter, the Boy who Lived... come to die." Voldemort paused as if he was wanted to savor this moment. "Avada Kedavra!"

The force of the killing curse knocked Harry off his feet, sending him flying several feet away, before he laid in a heap on the ground.

"My Lord! Are you okay?" Bellatrix whined as she tried helping Voldemort up, but he simply shoved her away, making her cower with a whimper.

"The boy.. is he dead?" Bellatrix spat as her sister walked towards the boy. Narcissa leaned down, almost releasing a gasp when she felt his breath against her cheek.

"Draco.. Is Draco alive?" She whispered to him softly. Harry gave a subtle nod. Narcissa could almost collapse at the relief. She forced on her blank mask and stood, turning towards the group. "Dead."

Hagrid was told to carry Harry Potter, the group of Death Eaters following after him with grins on their faces. The Dark Lord had finally won. The Wizarding World was theirs to control.

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