Finding Out

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You'd been throwing up and very bloated for the past 5 weeks, so you decided to look into it and you found out you were pregnant!


Caroline and Elena heard an extra heartbeat when you three were at the mall.


You'd been experiencing pregnancy stuff and had been concerned, you were no Jo Laughlin but you figured it out.


You and your friend went to the pharmacy and she noticed your breasts looked larger and you told her all your symptoms (the friend has been pregnant before) and she told you to get a pregnancy test.


Hayley noticed that you had been experiencing some pregnancy stuff and she had been pregnant before she helped you figure it out.


You had been very sensitive to smell and were disgusted by the food you loved, so you googled it and realized.


You'd taken a small fall down the stairs and gotten a cut on your arm so you went to the hospital to get it checked out and make sure nothing else was wrong, but then the doctor revealed that you were pregnant.

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