chapter ten

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It took forever to get her cleaned up. It was horrible, seeing her like that. I had never seen anything much like it, even after battle. I didn't know Tommy had such force, and I didn't know she was going to jump in front of me. My whole outfit was covered in blood, and Rhys told me I needed to bathe, but I used my magic to clean it up. There was a magic crisis going on, I know, but I couldn't leave her side.

Watching Leif use his magic on her lifted the eight only a bit off my shoulder, but when he told me she would probably be blind when she healed, it just dropped right back on there. Her powers, they could heal her, but I know she wouldn't. Her powers aren't simple, and the last time she used them here, I knew something was off. It wasn't hard for me to tell that simply hurting me had caused something to happen to her.

It was a long battle. The rebels had come to attack the castle, and they had a large army. Of course, this was what I was trained for, and this was what I trained the others for. Swords were clashing against each other, bodies were falling, the smell of death was in the air. As soon as I turned my head, the metal feeling across my chest had alerted me. I looked back to who it was, and without warning, I quickly slit his throat.

But as soon as I did, I fell backwards. It was weak of me to get hurt in front of my people, but it had happened before. Zenix, my second in command, ran over. He used his magic, force field projection, to keep us in a bubble where no one else could get in. I tried to sit up, but I ended up falling back down. "General, lay still. We do not need you getting hurt any worse."

"I am okay, Zenix. I can still fight," I stied to say, but the blood in my throat had to come out into the ground. As our warriors made the rebels flee, I started to see stars. But I was going to stay awake for however long I needed.

"Is anyone a healer? We need a healer, or someone get a medic!" Zenix yelled. A few people ran to the castle, but a girl walked up to us. Zenix happily let her into the bubble and I got a good look at her, it was Y/n.

"You're a healer?" I coughed out.

"Sort of," she replied, kneeling down next to me and she stared at the large slash across my chest.

"Stop staring and heal him!" Zenix yelled. Y/n jumped and then put her hands on my stomach, just barely touching the end of the cut. She closed her eyes and there was a bright white light. Nothing like what I had seem before, brighter than a normal healers. Since I've been with her, training her, she has never told me about these powers.

I felt the skin repairing, the cut closing. I knew there would be a scar, but that didn't matter. I felt better, and when the white light disappeared, I sat up. Everyone seemed to clap and run over to see how she did it, and she smiled and looked around, but something was wrong.

She looked up at me, and I saw her eyes completely black. I was confused. "Everyone, stay back, clean up while I talk to my savior," I said. Zenix stood and walked away, and I looked at the girl. "What has happened, are you okay?"

"Yes, I am fine," she replied. She got up quicker than I could say anything else, and I watched her stumble to help clean up, trying to make it seem like she was okay.

The curse of having healing powers, along with death powers, when she uses either of them, she takes it from her own life. She can get close to killing herself, even if she tries healing herself. It's an awful power to have, I wouldn't wish it on Tommy, even after what he did. I can't imagine dying to keep someone else alive.

But I was now stood in the dungeon that Rhys happily added onto the castle. I stood with my sword in my hand, the tip on the ground in front of me, and I was slightly leaning on the cobblestone wall. Tommy was saying things, but I kept him out. Until I couldn't anymore.

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