chapter nine

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As Asch led us into the palace, I swung my sword at the guards. They went quickly, but we all had very good training. Leif was using his teleportation to help, Noi was doing his best, Asch was burning the bodies who were already down from us, Rhys was doing some spells, and I used my army training to easily kill those around us. Some people ended up backing away and/or running, but Asch ordered us to kill everyone.

The Queen and King quickly escaped, but Asch and I went straight for them. The king, with stronger magic, took on Asch. I pinned the Queen to a wall at sword point. I couldn't kill her. Sure, I had killed a bunch of people just then, but kill a female? It was not one of the things I would do. Until Asch told me to. I backed away, and with my eyes closed, swung my sword and decapitated the Queen.

"Go look around for the Princess, she is in here somewhere."


As soon as I heard the yelling and someone screaming we were under attack, I ran. There was no where I could go besides my room. We didn't have special rooms for when we were under attack because we were a small palace. We knew it would happen one day, as the Castle of the high Daemos Lord would take over. Our army was small, I could only use my magic, because I didn't know how to fight. But my parents didn't let me practice it, they said it was too dangerous.

My spirit followed me into the closet, and I hugged him close to my chest. I was hidden in the corner, and I hoped the clothes would block anyone from seeing me. The dresses were long, almost touching the floor, so I hoped it would be enough. When everything seemed to calm down, you could finally hear my sobs. I tried to stop them, but they were too loud.

I heard footsteps come into my bedroom, and I covered my mouth. "If you find the Princess, I want you to kill her!" I heard from the other room. I made the mistake of leaving my door open.

"Tommy, don't attack..." I said in a whisper. I thought it was quiet, but someone had heard me. Whether it be my sobs or when I spoke, but the clothes ruffled and then they were thrown to the ground. I closed my eyes and held onto Tommy tightly, turning my head away. I knew I was going to be killed, and this was my last few minutes alive, so I tried to think about good things. Like spending time with those I loved, speaking with Tommy in the late hours of the night, and such.

But I didn't feel that shock of death. I was still living and breathing. I opened my eyes and looked. There stood a tall man. He was in a blue robe, and held a matching blue sword, which was huge. I had never seen someone wield one as large as that. I looked up to him through my puffy eyes, and he held out a hand to me. I flinched backwards, but he seemed to keep his hand out.

"I will not hurt you, Asch is very rude at times. You did not put up a fight, I will take you to him," the man said. He was quiet, and his voice was low. I sat for a few more minutes, watching him. He put his sword in the holster, and I gained a bit of trust. I was still sniffling, but I held Tommy in one arm, and I took the man's hand. He helped me stand, and when I was balanced, he led me out of my room. As we walked into the main hallway, I saw four others. One dressed in green, another in red, orange, and a darker blue than the man leading me.

The one in red, which I'm guessing was the Prince because of the crown on his horn, turned to us. "I told you to kill her!" he yelled. The one net to me didn't seem to flinch.

"She wanted no harm to me, your Majesty. There is no reason to harm her," he spoke. The Prince's face turned into a look of sorrow, like he knew why the tall one didn't want to kill me.

"Fine, but if she tries to hurt anyone, I will have her head right away," the Prince said. I nodded. The man next to me let go of my hand, but I quickly took it back. He looked at me confused, and I gave him a scared look. The one in green chuckled.

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