Stratford Star

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Here is chapter 4!! If you have any tips, PLEASE COMMENT! Thank you so much for reading!! COMMENT/VOTE/FAN


Chapter Four: Stratford Star

*Pattie's P.O.V*

A couple years passed and we saw an advertisement about a singing contest called Stratford Star. 'Mom! Mooomm!! I wanna go to that!!' 'Okay okay we will sign you up haha.' We walked to the place where he could sign up and he gave up a number to sing. We walked home again. 'Are you excited hihi?' 'yes yes omg yes!' I stroked his head and messed up his hair a little. 'Moooomm not my hair! I knew his hair was holy for him.' I just giggle.

The first round was pretty simple for him to beat. There were so many bad singers. Well yea I'm his mom so I always say he's good of course. I would film all the shows and upload them on justin's youtube account, kidrauhl, so his family,  who live far away can see it too. When he heard he was going to the next round he ran over to me 'Mooommmyy!!' And he jumps into my arms. I held him close. 'I'm so proud of you sweetheart.' I kissed his head. We walked home. 'You wanna see yourself singing?' He nodded and I showed him the video.

He was pretty nervous at the second round. He made up a little dance and he would rap a little. 'Mom, do you think I can do it?' 'Of course sweetheart, we practiced enough.' We walked into the hall again and I sat down. I put the camera on and held it in frond of me. Somewhere during the song he was dancing a little and he drops the mic. Everyone laughed a little but he just kept going on like nothing happened. I'm so proud of my little boy.

The final was there. He stood on the stage with 2 other girls. The host spoke 'Mellisa you're number 3 and the number 2 iiiiissss..... justin!' I saw him looking down. I put my thumbs up. The show was done and I held him closely in my arms. 'You did it prefectly sweetheart.' He shook his head. 'I didn't mom, I didn't win.' 'Well, I'm proud of you and grandpa and grandma are proud of you as well. He nodded a little. 'I'll upload this video and then we will call them alright? And they wil tell you they are proud of you.' He just nodded again.

As soon as we gott home I uploaded the video. 'Come sweetheart, call grandpa.' and I handed him the phone. He sat down and called him.

*Justin's P.O.V*

I dailed grandpa's phonenumber. The phone rang twice and I heard his voice.

'Hey darlin how are you doing?

'Hey grandpa I'm doing good. Did you see the finals already on youtube?'

'Yes it's really really great that you became second hee.'

'Thank you!'

'You really have to do something with this.'

'You think?'

'Yes really.'

'I'll try it! I go to mommy now. Then I'll talk with her about what I can do then' I chuckled a little nervous.

'Alright talk to you later again.'

'Bye bye.'


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm happy some people still read my fanfic. PLEASE COMMENT TIPS SO I CAN IMPROVE MY WRITING SKILLS! Or just something nice lol. VOTE/FAN PLEASE!! I love yall ♥

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