The Truth

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Disclaimer: Medical terms and procedures are not validated by a licensed medical practitioner, the terms are used only for the context of the story.

Thea's POV>

When I arrived home, my mom and dad hug me. They said they miss me so much and so do I. I ask them if they are okay. Many things are going around my head. They have something to tell me.

Mom said, "Thea, I know this will sound bad but we did it for you."

"Just go straight to the point mom."

Dad continued, "As you can see, we made a legal contract with Klein. He made a motive of helping you to become a noble lady."

"Why didn't you told me sooner? You let me suffer in that situation? Klein even told me that your business had been bankrupt but it seems it keeps going well until now." I started to cry.

Mom tries to comfort me, "Sweetie, we think it is the best way for you to learn how real-life works. Klein always updating us on what you are doing while you are in their home. He even sends many pictures to us."

"But that is not an excuse for you both to lie to me. How could you do this to me? Is Kindred behind this plan too?"

Dad responded, "Yes. He knows everything about this."

"I thought that it was real. It was all planned wasn't it?" I started to get frustrated.

My brother just comes back home and looking at us with a worried look. It seems he can sense that something is wrong.

My brother asked, "What's wrong in here?"

"I'm leaving. Go take care of mom and dad for me brother. They can explain to you what they have just done to me." I said while my tears slowly dripping in my eyes.

Colin's POV>

I just finished everything in my own company and I planned on going home. I park the car in the garage and open the main door. I saw that mom, dad, and my little sis are having a conversation. I noticed that Thea is crying.

She passed by me and said something before she left the house. I was about to run to her when a guy rushed to hug her. Is that the disciplinary doctor guy Thea's talking about?

I look at Thea's reaction and listen to their conversation.

"How dare you lie to me Kindred!?!? I trusted you and this is how you show it!?!?" she said.

Oh, so his name was Kindred I think we are classmates before I guess?

He replied to Thea, "Thea I didn't want it to be this way. I know it is wrong but if it didn't happen then you won't ever meet me now."

He has a point though, but still what they did is wrong. They lied to my sweet sister and they should have at least ask her permission in a way she wouldn't get emotionally affected like this.

"Get out of my sight Kindred!!! I don't want to see you ever again!" Thea shouted.

Kindred hug her one last time until he left quietly with no farewells to Thea. Thea temporarily loses her consciousness. I immediately carried her body to go to the hospital. Kindred noticed it too and he told me to go to the nearest hospital.

He called a nurse to prepare an ER which means an Emergency Room. The nurse immediately put Thea in a hospital bed and rushed her to the ER. My mom and dad are worrying and they hope my little sister will be alright.

"Kindred what do you think Thea is experiencing right now? Why did she suddenly lose her consciousness?"

Kindred replied, "I think she might have what we call 'A blackout' or in medical terms which is a 'Syncope'. They need to check her airway or breathing circulation. If she is breathing then she needs to be turned sideways so that she can breathe properly."

"You are a doctor right? You can save her."

Kindred looks at me, "Colin, I'm still a student and I have no right to cure her in this situation unless I'm already a licensed doctor. I still have 5 years to go to become a licensed doctor."

"Well, I hope she will be fine."

"She will be fine," he reassured us.

An hour passed by and the doctor said that my sister has 'Psychogenic Pseudosyncope'. Syncope due to an anxiety disorder and her symptoms are palpitations and feelings of stress. She is also lacking oxygen 'Hypoxia' that has different cases.

"She will be fine Mr. and Mrs. Sy" the doctor commented.

My mom said, "Thank God! She will be fine. I'm really worried since I think she overreacted when we told her the truth."

"The truth about what mom?"

Mom replied, "We planned something on your younger sister and she can't believe that we fake our bankruptcy."

"Let's just say that we should wait for her to feel better."

The doctor commented, "You can check on her now in room 108. She just needs some proper rest."

Kindred said his farewells to us and mentioned that he has a meeting to attend in an hour. She approached Thea for a second in her hospital bed and kiss her forehead.

He said, "Get well soon my lady."

Thea's POV>

I don't remember what happened to me.

W-where am I?

I saw my brother sleeping in my arms. Oh, I just remembered that I blackout earlier.


My brother woke up and hug me tightly. He said, "I thought we have lost you, Thea. We are so worried."

"I might have overreacted and I suddenly passed out. I'm going to be fine, don't worry too much Lin."

He replied, "Still... You need to take a rest and don't overwork yourself okay?"

I laughed at what he said, "You sound like Kindred when he is worried about me."

My brother became serious this time and asked me, "Do you love him?"

"Do I? I'm not sure what I'm currently feeling and he also needs to teach me how to cook."

Well, I suppose it is really complicated. "Is that part of the lesson you need to learn?"

"Yes, brother and besides I like to try new things. Cooking wouldn't be bad right?"

He just laughed at my innocent look, "Go ahead and try it when you get better."

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