Chapter 11: A Big Eggplant for Three Virgin Peaches (Part 1 of 3)

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The deflowering ritual. What a silly event, but at the same time, it made my dick harder than a rock. It was Saturday night in early October, and Buff had had me save my load for a couple of agonizing days, sometimes teasing me by rubbing his big butt against my dick like a sadistic prick. Normally, it wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but after all the hot sex I'd been having, waiting even a day suddenly felt like an eternity. I was ready for action. While it was chilly outside, it was bound to be the opposite inside the Peters' suite, the only dorm in Peterson Hall that had the most gay fucking going on.

After all six of us who lived here showered, we stood naked near the center of the space while Jerrick was in the bathroom taking his turn. We stroked our dicks as a warmup, but Hush's big dick was still flaccid. Lucky for him, all he had to do was watch and maybe do minor stuff. Where was Lincoln, though? Because he was still a Peter, he was supposed to be here, but he wasn't. Not yet anyway.

Buff sighed, clearly not in a great mood. "I have a feeling Joker's not going to show up since he's not answering my calls or texts."

"He's been through enough," I said in a respectable tone. I knew not to snap at Buff, because despite his willingness to worship me, he was still the leader. I always thought gods should be the leaders, but whatever.

"He's still a Peter, so he should be here."

"I know, but give him some time, okay?"

"You're not getting it, Chosen One. This is an important ritual. He's supposed to be here. All Peters are required to be here." Buff wasn't letting this go. His anal rules were getting to his head like a pedantic asshole.

I walked up to him and kissed his lips, and I jacked him off in hopes of lightening the mood. "It'll be okay. He doesn't have to join every time."

"Except he does. It's not my rules. I'm just following them because I'm the leader and I'm supposed to."

I kissed him some more and leaned toward his ear. "What's really bothering you, Buff?"

He didn't respond, but his face told me there was something going on.

"Come on, tell me."

"I'm just in a bad mood, that's all." His tone was curt. "I'll get over it."


The bathroom door opened, and I froze at the sight of Jerrick and his naked body. For being a thin twink, he sure had a sexy body that I'd totally lick and devour. It was toned, well-defined, faint abs, and...


A humongous dick? What the fuck? He was bigger than me! Well, maybe as thick as mine, but definitely longer. It hung like an elephant trunk. How was that possible when he was the newly-named sub Peters for a reason? He was the club's cumdump.

With a red face, Buff stormed away and into our room, slamming the door shut.

I lowered my eyebrows at the closed door and then at the others. Why the melodramatic exit? "What...just happened?"

"I think I know," Twunky said, looking unfazed.

Fabio nodded, also with a cool expression. "I think I know too."

Himbo looked dumbfounded, and Hush simply stayed quiet with a distant look that was difficult to identify.

Jerrick also looked confused. "Did I do something wrong?"

"It's not your fault," Twunky said. "No worries."

"What's going on?" I asked.

My and Buff's room door opened, and Buff poked his head through the crack. Was he pissed? He looked it. "Chosen One, I need you right now. It's urgent and it can't wait."

The Peach-Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall, #1Where stories live. Discover now