Chapter 12: The Final Stand

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Book 1: Hope
Chapter 12: The Final Stand


HeiBai barreled out of the Spirit Portal and charged down the crumbling streets of Republic City. He started to cross Kyoshi Bridge, which had collapsed in the middle. Jiansu held on for dear life as the massive beast jumped over the gap and landed on the other side. The Avatar and his ethereal steed headed north towards the Earth Empire Capital to fulfill his destiny.

In retrospect, maybe he should've waited for reinforcements, but he was confident in his newfound abilities with the Avatar State. He figured if he could destroy Vaatu before his allies arrived, they would be safe. Especially Akira, who wanted a shot at Vaatu. Jiansu couldn't let her get hurt. He had to defeat the Dark Avatar before anyone arrived. Then they would be able to fight the Earth Empire without interference.

Heibai leaped over a thirty foot wall and entered the city. Cars swerved to the side as Heibai ran down the street. They reached Luzon Tower and Heibai began climbing straight up the slick glass side, with Jiansu holding on tightly. In thirty seconds they reached the top.

"Wait here buddy." Jiansu busted a hole in the concrete roof and jumped in.

After he figured out where he was, he ran towards Xian's office, looking for Nasim. He knocked the door down and entered the scientist's study. Xian was there, drawing on a piece of paper. He fell out of his chair when Jiansu entered the room.

"Where is Nasim? Tell me." Jiansu demanded.

Xian crawled into the corner and cowered. Jiansu lashed out with his metal cable and grabbed Xian by the ankle. He pulled him over to his feet and put his foot on his head.

"Leave me alone! I have nothing for you." Xian said.

"Where. Is. Nasim." Jiansu said.

"Right here." Said a voice from behind. A metal cable wrapped around Jiansu's throat and pulled him to the floor. Jiansu managed to get his fingers between the cable and his neck, but it was still cutting into his skin.

"Back so soon boy? You must be eager to die." Nasim said.

Jiansu could barely talk, but he managed to get a few words out. "You first."

He snapped the cable and blasted Nasim with a gust of wind. The Dark Avatar flew backwards and hit the floor, skidding to a stop near the window. Jiansu rose to his feet and attacked once more with Airbending. Nasim leaped sideways with impossible agility and bent a chunk of concrete from the wall at Jiansu. He was able to block the strike, but a follow-up strike knocked him down. The young Avatar rolled over to evade a strike from a metal whip, and slammed his fist into the floor, cracking the concrete and collapsing the floor underneath Nasim. The general fell through to the next floor below. Jiansu bent the floor under himself and dropped through, hurling his piece of floor at Nasim. He amplified the Earthbending attack with Airbending. Nasim shattered the concrete slab, but failed to evade the gale force that proceeded. He was knocked back against the glass, causing it to spider-web.

"What's it gonna be Nasim? Just give up." Jiansu said confidently.

"Your arrogance deceives you." Nasim replied, and slammed his fist into the window, shattering it. Then he did something that many Earthbenders thought to be impossible: he bent the glass, sending hundreds of razor-sharp shards at Jiansu like a Waterbender would with ice darts.

Jiansu raised up a slab of concrete to shield himself, but his confidence was running low. If there was a time for the Avatar State, it was now. Jiansu called out to the past Avatars, asking them for aid, but nothing happened.

Avatar: The Legend Reborn - Book 1: Hope Where stories live. Discover now