Chapter 8: Dark Memories

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Book 1: Hope
Chapter 8: Dark Memories


As Lefty descended through the clouds, the Southern Water Tribe capital, Aquora City, came into view. The first thing Jiansu noticed was the giant statue standing in the bay.

"Is that...?" Jiansu started.

"The statue of my great grandpa that once stood in Yue Bay? Yes, yes it is." Kinlei finished.

"How did it get here? I thought the Earth Empire destroyed it." Jiansu said.

"They were going to, but the Fire Nation convinced them to sell it. The price was outrageous of course, but it meant a lot to the other nations. Firelord Zuko had it built and gave it to the United Republic, but then the Empire took over. After Firelord Iroh bought it back, he regifted it to the Southern Water Tribe. Chief Tonraq had it placed on one side of the harbor gates, and proposed a deal to build another statue, of equal size, in honor of his daughter Korra, to stand on the other side. They never came up with enough money. Even the Water Tribe's own citizens hated Korra for allowing the Cycle to be broken. She gets so much disrespect. It's not like she's the one who broke it." Kinlei said.

"The spirits should fire Wan Shi Tong and give you his job." Jiansu said sarcastically.

Kinlei grinned, embarrassed. "Not likely, but they should. I'd love a chance to explore his library."

They flew over the city and continued into the mountains. Jiansu spotted a military style fort. On the front gate was a lotus flower emblem. Lefty descended towards the fort.

"What is that symbol?" Jiansu asked.

"The Order of the White Lotus. This is their compound. Korra was raised here." Kinlei stated.

"What are we going to find here?" Jiansu wondered.

"Not a what, a who." Kinlei responded.

Lefty landed in the middle of the compound. Men and women in blue and white uniforms came to greet them. A man with dark hair and an Airbender tattoo on his forehead came forward.

"Is that? No way. Kinlei?" He asked.

"Yes Uncle, it's me." Kinlei answered.

"Oh my goodness! I haven't seen you since you were up to my waist. You've grown so much! You look just like your mother."

"Who's this?" Jiansu asked.

"This is my uncle Meelo. Uncle, this is Avatar Jiansu."

Meelo was a bit taken off guard. "You're sure? He looks too young."

"I am sir." Jiansu said. He blew the snow away with Airbending, revealing the ground beneath it. Then he bent a rock into the air.

Meelo looked surprised, but he simply nodded. "So I suppose you didn't come just to visit."

"Unfortunately, no. We need to get to the Tree of Time in the Spirit World." Kinlei said.

Meelo turned to one of the guards. "Get clearance for entry."

"Yes sir." The guard turned and ran towards the main building.

"Kinlei, we'll take your bison. Anything you need before we leave?" Meelo asked.

"I'm all set. What about you Jiansu?"

"I'm ready. Let's do this."



"This... this is bad. This is really, really bad." Gyatso said.

Akira read the note to herself. "Why would they want to assassinate the Chief of the Northern Water Tribe?"

Avatar: The Legend Reborn - Book 1: Hope Where stories live. Discover now