
22 1 2

An hour goes by and both Five and the Girl couldn't find anything useful. Only dusty paperwork filled the drawers and shelves of the office room.
" I don't think there's anything here" the girl has almost given up.
" Any luck five?" Luther is standing by the door.
Both the girl and Five turn around at the same time to look at him.
"Nope," they both say not knowing who he was talking to. They look at each other and back at Luther who was directing himself to Five, not the girl. She notices he wasn't talking to her so the girl goes back to checking paperwork. "All this paperwork either talks about random stuff or signed paperwork," Five says as he opens a folder " Hey did dad ever tell you about the people he worked with while we were all gone?" he asks Luther. Luther just stands there trying to recall a moment when Reginald had talked about his associates but nothing came up. "Well he never really talked about that stuff... but if I remember correctly there was this one woman, in particular, I remember overhearing his conversation with grace about how things were going with the woman"
"Five," Luther says
Again both the girl and Five turn to look at him.
"Hmm?" They both say.
" I-" Luther didn't know who to focus his eyes on. " I can't do this how am I supposed to talk to one of you if you both have the same name you guys need different names. Why the hell don't you guys have names?!?" Luther was the only one in the whole academy that didn't like the fact they were both called Five.
" Just say whatever it is you wanted to say" the girl rolls her eyes and turns back at the paperwork. "Just come up with names for each other. Anyways, as I was saying. I do remember Dad calling me into his office" Luther says
Luther's flashback:
Luther walks through the halls and into Sir Reginald Hargreeve's office. As he enters he sees him writing on paper like he always did. He was wearing a grey suit with a black tie and a grey coat was hanging from his chair. Reginald looks up at young Luther.
" Seems you took your time to come here Number 1"
Silence fills the room.
"I'm sorry Sir," Luther says
"Take a seat"
Luther was surprised, Reginald rarely let anyone in his office.
"I am aware that one day I will no longer walk this earth, there is much research I have done over my years and one of them has to be kept away from Five. You being Number 1 I trust that you will keep this between you and me"
Reginald stands up and locks the door. He then walks over to his chair again.
" Number 1 beneath you is a compartment that contains information about other dimensions, knowing that Five is stubborn this can be dangerous for him to ever find. Don't ever tell a single soul about this, no one must be trusted. You may leave now" Reginald sits in his chair.
" I won't let you down"
Young Luther says as he stands up and leaves.

Present time:

"Try looking under the carpet," Luther says
The girl starts walking around the carpet slowly adding pressure.
"Here" she starts lifting the heavy long carpet, five and Luther join her. They open the compartment and find a bunch of paperwork. " The old man sure loved to keep secrets," Five says with a smirk, that smirk quickly fades and turns into a straight face.
"Why would Reginald tell you about this and not me, after all, I d-" Five gets cut-off
" He didn't want to put you in danger after all you were really stubborn, I mean look we're that got you"
Luther stares at five then at the girl " so stubborn the same thing happened in another dimension"
The girl gives him a death stare and goes back to reading through the old paper, she puts down the piece of paper and shuffles through more paper. A picture catches her eye. She grabs it, the old photo was covered in a small coat of dust. The girl cleans it and shows it to Five
" look at this"
They scan the photo, in it, Reginald stands in the middle wearing a blue suit with grace wearing a black and white dress to the left, pogo stood in front of him wearing a black suit standing closer to grace. A woman wearing a red dress and silver shoes with her black hair was tied in a half up half down bun stood to the right of Reginald.
Five turns the photograph and reads "Bethany Winston" in silence. "That's who we need to find, whoever she is she most likely knows something we don't"
" How the hell are we going to find someone we know nothing about?" The girl questions.
"Well she is most likely a millionaire too, after all, dad wouldn't talk to any random person" Luther explains.
"Exactly, meaning that if we look her up it will be easy to find her" Five says.
"Come on let's go" Five signals the girl to follow him. The girl looks at Luther then leaves with Five.
"Where are we going !?" The girl shouts while trying to catch up with five.
"WAIT! Do I tell the others o-" Five and the girl leave Luther behind. "And they're gone" Luther doesn't know what to do.

They soon reach the library. They walk through the shelves filled with all kinds of books. After a while of walking they come across the old computers. They go up to a computer.
"It's been a while since I've used one of these" The girl says looking at the dusty computer. Five turns on the computer. A shiny blue screen pops up. In it, the words "Log in" come up.
"Shit," Five says. "Great now what? I mean we could look at books but that will take way too long." The girl sighs. "Five!" They both hear a small scream and turn around, Allison and Luther stand there. People turn around to see what's going on. "What?" Both the Girl and Five say. Again everyone is confused and wonders who she is trying to talk to but no one can figure it out. Allison looked at both of them and just ignored their reaction. "When did you guys get here?" the girl asks "We followed you," Allison said "How if we blinked here halfway?" "Well, it was pretty obvious where you guys were going" "What are you guys doing?" Allison asks as she grabs a chair to sit down. She takes a glance at"Here," Allison logs into the computer, a Welcome appears for a split second, the screen then changes to a landscape home screen. "Thanks," Five says. "Since when do you have a library account?" Luther asks "Since I was like 13," Allisons responds. Allison takes a step back from the computer " Well if that's all I can help with I'm just gonna get going, see you guys back at the academy" Allison is about to leave but the girl stops her. " Wait, we might need your help,". Allisons stays. "WIth one computer we won't be able to finish today, log into 3 more," Five says. " Alright, captain" Allison jokes. As soon as they all sit down and are logged into the old computers they get down to business. The computer area was soon filled with the clicks and clacks of the keyboards.

After what seems like an eternity:
Allison finally finds something. Her screen showed recent a news article. "I know where we can find her," Allison tells everyone. The girl rushes to Allison's chair. The article said  " Former Millionaire Bethany Winston Is Having A Ball For Daughter Soon To Be 15 As A Tradition In Her Family"
"Guess we going dancing," the girl says.
"Does it show where it will be?"Luther asks.
A man dressed in a suit enters the library. He starts looking around as if he's looking for something or someone. In his hand, he holds a black gun. He spots the girl.
"Well it's probably somewhere in here, or at least a picture of the pla-" Allison gets cut off by a loud bang. They all duck down. Everyone around them starts running towards an exit. The man ignores them.
"Shit," the girl says. She makes eye contact with the man.
"You really thought I wouldn't find you? Ha!" The man says with a smirk on his face.
"Nice to see you too," the girl says.
"Come on let me take you home, you aren't done with work just yet" he lowers his gun.
" Let me guess Josh left you for someone else... again? and now you're wasting your time trying to get me back at the commission." The girl says with a little laugh. "Is that the handler?" Five asks
"That's right pretty boy," the handler says.
"Oh god, Not this again" Allison is over it already.
"Come on Five, don't make it hard on yourself" the handler had planned things ahead. "Sure as soon as you get a stable relationship," the girl says "which won't happen" she whispers.
"Alright then, if you want it this way" the handler shoots the ceiling and a bunch of commission members come out of nowhere holding guns.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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