Not again

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Morning came and everyone was awake. Five was walking back and forth in his room wondering who that girl was." She is probably just one of us after all there were more than just 7 kids born on the same day with powers." he said to himself. Klaus was headed to the bathroom to take a bath when he saw Five "Hey are you ok?"Klaus asked as soon as he noticed something wrong with Five." No I'm not ok that girl said that she was called five. She could also teleport just like me" five Said. Klaus came in and sat on the bed" what could be so weird about that I mean We did find out Lila had powers just like us and, there are more people like that all around the world" Klaus explained to him. "That's not the weird part. Klaus, why would I find someone with powers surprising, after all, I did grow up with all of you". All of a sudden they hear a knock on the door." Hey, I need to talk to Five" Five and Klaus heard a voice coming from the entrance. Five started heading toward the stairs "Yeah umm let me go get him... come in" Allison said as the girl was coming in. Allison closed the door and said," You can wait in there, make yourself comfortable". As Allison started walking up the stairs, Five teleports to the end of the stairs " Hey wait a girl is asking for you" Allison told him" Who is she ?"

" I don't know but I'm about to find out," Five said as he walked into the living room. The girl was looking at Fives painting. As five walked up to her the girl turned to look at him. It was silent for a second but then she spoke "So your Five?... and I'm guessing you can also travel through time and jump through space just like me". Five looked at her still confused about who she was." Hey look I don't know who you are, so let's start simple...what's your name?" Five asked as they both sat down. Klaus came in and was about to make himself a drink." Don't mind me just grabbing something to drink." he told them, they just ignored him and the girl said." I thought I already told you my name is" Luther is standing above them on the second floor with Diego they pretend to be talking" my name is Five" the girl told him, Five was getting annoyed thinking that she was just making that up. All of a sudden Allison tries to sneak in just to hear their conversation. She pretends to be looking for a book. "Look, I don't have time for your games. I asked for your name not for whom you are pretending to be," Five told the girl." How about we discuss this somewhere else," She said as she looked around the room and saw that everyone was trying to listen in to their conversation. Five and she left the building and headed to Griddys doughnuts " Do you guys think they noticed us?" Klaus asked everyone. They all look over at him. "Something seems weird about that girl," Allison said

At Griddys doughnuts.

"Black coffee please"-Girl

"One for me too"-Five

They both ordered before the waitress could even take out her pen. There was an awkward silence for a while, finally, five-spoke "So... who are you?" at this point the girl was annoyed.

"Seems like you forget things really fast"

"You might not know this but there were fortyt-" Five said before the girl interrupted him

"Forty-Three children born on the same day with powers, I am one of those 43 children but not from this place" Five was confused at what she meant.

" My name is also Five,"

"And before you interrupt me again let me tell you what I mean by that"

She said before Five said anything, She grabbed a napkin and a pen that was left on the counter by one of the waitresses. She drew two parallel lines and a dot in the middle of each line

"This is your world" she pointed at one of the lines "and this is mine" she pointed at the other line. She then pointed at each dot and said "This represents the day the end of the world happens" the girl then drew a vertical small line in each line and an arrow going past the dot. "This is when we went missing and got stuck in the future we went back, and I'm guessing you came here before the apocalypse and stopped it, but there was something wrong in my calculations that led me to switch to another dimension," she said as she kept drawing arrows.

"Oh so I guess your me but dumber, never thought that would be possible"

"Haha very funny.... this is no time for jokes," the girl said sarcastically

FIve just rolled his eyes " Okay so where are you getting with this, you got stuck here so what, there is no point in telling me this"

"Seems like you don't care unless it involves you and I don't blame you but this has to do with you too, there are many possibilities of us existing in another dimension, you might be an animal or you might have done something different but in all those dimensions we stop the end of the world except for those dimensions where we don't exist or it just never happens. If I don't stop my end of the world your world will also be gone, yours and many others." 

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