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It's been about two weeks now since Nick and I's first actual date at his house. We are doing really good. We spend almost every night together at his place and it's always the best time ever. I love being with him. He is like my happy place.

Nobody has said anything to us about it yet. I have a feeling that will change one of these days, but Nick always tells me to not worry about it and to just live in the moment. I've been trying to take that advice.

None of my friends know about it and neither does Zion. I definitely wouldn't be alive right now if Zion knew. Nick wouldn't be either.

I roll over and I look at Nick who is fast asleep on the bed. I spent the night last night for the first time and I guess you could say things got a bit wild. I never thought I would lose my virginity to a teacher, but here we are.

He was so sweet and so gentle about it though. It wasn't his first time, so he knew what he was doing but he knew exactly how to take care of me. It was an amazing night and I wouldn't ever change it.

"Nick," I poke his cheek. He doesn't move though. He always sleeps through everything. It took me five minutes to wake him from a nap yesterday. "Nicholas!"


I roll my naked body on top of his naked body and I start to plant soft kisses all over his face. I'm sure he would love to be woken like this every morning.

"Baby," I kiss his cheek, "It's time to get up," I kiss him again in between his eyes. "We are going to be late for school." Another kiss on the lips, "You know I hate being late."

He smiles and his eyes open, "Well good morning, my love."

I feel my face heat up. Every time he calls me that I feel all giddy inside, "Good morning."

"I wouldn't mind being woken like this every single morning," he says.

"Figured," I peck his lips and I get off of him.

I start to put my clothes on and he groans, "Come back to bed. Five more minutes."

"We can't, Nicholas." I put my shirt on as his eyes never leave my body. I figured he would be that way. "You can stop staring now."

"You're just too beautiful," he sits up on his bed and he smiles lightly as I put my socks on, "You don't regret last night, do you?"

I look at him like he's stupid, "Of course not. Why would you even ask that? Do you regret it?"

"No, no, no," he smiles again, "It was amazing. I just didn't want to pressure you last night and I just want to make sure you were okay."

I walk over to him and I sit down on the bed next to him. I grab onto his hand, "If I didn't want to do anything then I would have said something to you. I don't regret anything. You treated me perfectly and I had such a good time."

"Good," he says. "I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable."

"And I was," I kiss his cheek and I stand up, "I will go get coffee. You better hurry."


"How was your night?" Zion asks as we stand next to my locker.

"Good," I say. "How was yours?"

"Alright," he says. "I didn't do much. I didn't have anyone to mess with since you were gone."

I chuckle, "Too bad, loser."

"I'm sure you had fun with the girls though." I told Zion that I would be with the girls. He believed me and that's all that mattered in the moment. I just hope he doesn't ask the girls about it or else we will be screwed.

"Yes, we did."

"You'll be home tonight, right?"

"Uh, I don't know," I say. "I should be, but I have tutoring again."

"I thought you were doing better in math."

"Eh, not really," I shut my locker, "Still trying
to get better."

He just nods his head, "Well I better get to class then. See you tonight, I guess?"

"Bye," I say.

He walks away from my locker and I walk to Nick's room for class. I hate that I only have one class period with him, but I guess it's better than nothing.

"Good morning again," I say as I walk in. I'm the only one in the class right now.

"Hi," he smirks and I walk to my desk. I sit down and I get my book out, "Well we weren't late."

I playfully roll my eyes, "I'm never late. You should know better."

"Yea, yea." He starts to go through his stack of papers on his desk.

"What are you looking for now?" I ask. "One of these days I'm going to organize your entire desk for you."

"Please do," he says. "I never know where anything is."

"Well, Mr. Mara, I can help."

He frowns and then whispers, "I hate that you have to call me that here."

"Me too," I sigh.

I hear people by the door. I look over to see the girls walk in with some other kids behind them. I haven't talked to the girls in a couple of days now. They are busy with their boyfriends and I'm busy with mine now.

"Girl," Ansley says as she sits next to me, "We haven't talked to you in forever."

I look at Nick quickly and he has a smile plastered on his face. Only because he knows the reason we haven't talked in forever is because I'm always with him.

I look away from him and back to the girls, "I know, I know. I've just been so busy lately."

"Oh," Maggie smirks. "With the tutoring and everything."

"How is that going?" Izzy asks.

"Good," I say. "I feel like I'm getting a lot better at the stuff we are doing, so it's doing me good."

"I'm sure it is," Maggie winks at me. "Has anything happened yet?"

I chuckle to hide my nervousness, "Nothing will ever happen, Maggie. He's just tutoring me."

"Yea, yea," Izzy says. "Just tutoring."

"Why do you guys encourage it so much?" I ask. "I already know that if I told you we did something you guys would kick my ass within seconds."

"True," Ansley says. "But only because it would be stupid to do. Your ass would be in jail."

"Actually I think only the adult would be," Izzy says. "That's how it worked with Shelby."

"How about we don't talk about it?" I suggest. "Nothing is happening anyways."

"Good," Maggie says.

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