The Ending

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Warning very heavy mentions of suicide and drug use, please read with caution

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You got up from the ground and kept your hands where Stanley could see.

"W-why are you doing this" your voice cracked and you felt your knees weaken under the stress you were feeling

"Get down!" Stanley grabbed Spencer's shoulder and shoved him to his knees, he was standing behind Spencer holding the gun to his head "I was supposed to get recognition for working with the FBI but now imagine the recognition I'd get for killing 2 federal agents, that were married! What a tragic love story" he laughed

Your body shivered and you felt goosebumps rise in the back of your neck, you were there again. Back in the same fucking room trapped. It was happening again and all your memories came flooding back.

"You don't have to do this, there are other ways" you pleaded

"No you don't have to do this" you tried to move closer but you couldn't

"That's what all of this is for" Spencer turned his head to the side "Fame"

"You're sick" your voice cracked "We can help"

"I know exactly what I am doing" he began to yell

"Imagine all the storylines of the detective that held 2 FBI agents hostage, isn't that enough" a tear fell from your face and your hands were shaking

"Y/n" Spencer called for you and you looked down "I love you"

"Spencer stop it" more tears fell down your face and you looked back up "Stanley come on you could get so much without killing us, I can make sure that every news outlet and every newspaper knows your name"

He walked over in front of Spencer and pointed the gun towards you, shaking "Do those words of encouragement really work for other people" he laughed

"Well aren't those some nice words of encouragement" he smiled

"Just hold on we can keep talking about what you want, you don't have to hurt us or him" you pleaded

"Cute but that doesn't get you or him out of this" he turned around to face Spencer and pointed the gun to Spencer's chest, he stepped to the side so you could see. So you could witness the most horrendous thing ever.

"But that still doesn't get you or her out of this" he raised the weapon above his head

"Y/n" Spencer's eyes were glassy and his pain shattered through you. His lip quivered and you could see him trying to stay strong for you

"Y/n" Claire's hope disappeared. You watched her eyes glisten with tears.

Stanley released the safety and pressed his finger on the trigger. Firing the shot. Twice "Wait!" you screamed out

"Wait" you screamed out. But it was too late 

"No!" you shrieked and moved towards him but Stanley turned around and you fell to the ground when he fired at your shoulder. From the floor you watched him run out of the room and disappear into the hallway. All the pain you felt in your body was gone, you mustered up the strength to crawl your way back to Spencer

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