Chapter 4: Nightmare

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Camila's hand was gripped to the doorknob. She could not believe what she was looking at, so many years had passed but she could still recognize the woman that she loved perfectly even with the ravages left by her curse. She was about to throw herself into her arms like when they were younger when the witch continued talking. "It's Luz, Luz is in the Boiling Isles and she is sick."

Camila could feel her heart breaking into pieces again, but then she shook her head. That couldn't be possible, Luz was on a Summer Camp far away from any danger, the woman bit her lip in an attempt to relax and focus, this could be a trap, someone from the Emperor's Coven pretending to be Eda to finally catch her and take her back to that horrible man, "I... I don't know you... Y... You can't be here... pl...please leave." she tried to step backwards back into her home, but Eda quickly grab the door to stop her from closing it.

"Camille we don't have time for the mistrust game! Luz is not okay!" She scream with all the air in her lungs.

It had been so long that Camila hadn't heard that name that she had already forgotten that it was supposed to be her real name. Being at a closer distance she could see directly into her eyes, that golden glow distinguishable even in the dark, that challenging look that she did not surrender to anyone. She was definitely her Eda, the one and only Edalyn Clawthorne. But that only left another more important question, "How... how do you know my daughter's name?".

The look on Eda's face revealed an incredible amount of guilt that did not go unnoticed by Camila "Have... Have you been spying me?", Camila's shocked eyes quickly transformed into an accusatory gaze, "Is this some kind of plan to get me back to the Isles?!" The woman raised her voice in a tone just as accusatory as her eyes.

Eda took a step back, this attitude had taken her by surprise, she knew very well the Camille's character when she was upset but it had never really been the objective of this. "No! Its not that, I can explain you, but you need to come with me!" She tried to step forward again, but she could already feel the curse wanting to take control over her body. With all her willpower Eda managed to maintain her current form.

"This surprises me coming from you Eda, under any other circumstance I would have at least considered going with you back, but using my daughter's name to try to attract me is something I will not tolerate". Camila sounded hurt, this was the woman she had loved from years, had something changed her in her absence? Has the curse corrupted her noble heart?.

Both women began to argue back and forth, the mistrust that Camila had developed from being in hiding for so many years against Eda's haste and instability caused by the curse and the state of her apprentice.

King watched unable to say anything, at first he was curious because this was supposed to be Luz's mother, but at the same time the way Eda spoke to her seemed that of old lovers. Or at least that's how it was until they started arguing, "I told you to go as far as you can! Not 10 steps outside the portal!" "Do you have an idea how hard is to live in this world?! You can just go and reclaim a property as yours!". "STOP!" The demon screamed in despair, his Boo Boo Buddy was in trouble and they needed to come back soon, these two could solve their relationship problems later.

That actually worked because it made them stop arguing for a second to look at him. Eda took advantage of this distraction and took the woman by the wrist to start practically dragging her away "I'm sorry Camille but I promise you that once we are there you will see that Im telling you the truth".

"Eda let me go!" Camila tried to fight back, but so much time pretending to be a human and without her magic to boost her strength there was nothing she could do. The witch's grip on her wrist was so strong that it almost cut off her circulation, "Eda you are hurting me!" This was followed by a thunder that illuminated the whole sky and shake the ground with its impact.

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