Chapter 1: We need you back.

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"Eda no! Your magic!" The girl screamed with all she had; it was the only thing she could do inside the blue orb in which she was locked. Outside the fortress known as The Emperor's Castle there was a battle, a battle between two sisters divided by fate. Eda Clawthorne, the Owl Lady, and Lilith Clawthorne, head of the Emperor's Coven.

As the magic attacks flew from one side to the other, Luz felt so guilty, if it wasn't for her that try to sneak inside the castle to steal that stupid Healing Hat none of this would have happened, they would be at home talking about their day and pretending that the older witch didn't know what physical affection was while eating some of that gross Boiling Isles food.

The girl spotted one of those giant spikes that reach the bridge in which the battle was taking place, quickly she began to throw herself with the orb against it trying to break away from her prison, but then she heard it. "Then why where you so easy to curse?!" The older of the Clawthorne sisters screamed with every intention of hurting her sister, then realizing what she had done and quickly regretting it when Eda renewed her attacks driven by extreme fury.

"She cursed her sister..." Luz murmured "She cursed her own sister..." she clenched her fists, so much that her nails began to dig into her palms. Now driven by also anger, she throwed the orb against the spike with all she had, so much that she didn't noticed that her earring, those who her mother gave her since she was a baby, fall of in the commotion.

The sisters clash was stopped when another burst of magic come out from the castle entrance, and before either of them could do or say anything a flash of purple light travel all the way to Lilith, knocking her down at the mercy of her sister's apprentice. Luz eyes were completely shrouded in violet light, the same with her fist while she was trying to connect a hit on the face of the older witch who was dodging totally in disbelief at what she was seeing.

Eda couldn't believe what her eyes had in front of her. Luz, that little sunshine that come to her life, was there consumed by anger trying to hit her sister, but that wasn't the unbelievable part, or the fact that she seemed to have magic without using her glyphs, no, the unbelievable thing was that Luz's ears were pointed like those of witches. Then, a distant memory came back to her mind "It can't be...".

"You hurt Eda!" she throwed a punch but miss "You cursed Eda!" another one, this time it was closer to her objective "You did that your own sister! You are the monster here!" Luz was screaming at the top of her lungs, magic flowing through her veins at the full power her body could handle. But before she could continue, her mentor took her in her arms to carry her away from that place back to the safety of home, leaving Lilith on the ground totally on shock for those words.


"Déjame volver! Ella tiene que pagar por lo que hizo!" Luz kept screaming in Eda's arms as they sped towards the Owl House, but the older woman didn't let go. They flew directly to the giant crystal eye that was Eda's window shattering it into pieces and landing into the giant nest. "Leave me go back!" Luz screamed again.

"Luz," Eda said trying to calm her down, but her apprentice didn't hear her, she was still consumed by the anger and adrenaline "Luz!" this time in a strict way just like her mother used to talk to her when she got into trouble at Hexside, "Luz calm down!" but she still didn't reach her, so she took the alternative, embracing the girl between her arms with all her strength as she tried to free herself. "Its ok, its ok, I'm safe now, we are safe now".

After some minutes staying like that, Luz finally stop the fight, little by little relaxing in the arms of her teacher, she finally stop seeing only red and that heavy breathing slowly turn into sobs as the anger become sorrow.

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