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"Alright see you tommorow. Good Night." Izuku typed to his friends and went to sleep because it was 2. 00 am.
Iida was already asleep so basically it was just Uraraka and him.

~The next day~

"Ahh....I should have slept earlier." Izuku mumbled as he ran toward his class. He opened the door and was glad to see that his teacher wasn't there. He walked halfway to his seat when he felt intense gazes and when he looks at his class, all he sees is his friends looking at him with disgust and hate. He was going to ask about what happened but as soon as his mouth opened,he was sent straight in the wall by an explosion of Bakugou.

Izuku tried to get himself up but couldn't. He then saw Uraraka come up to him. Izuku raised his hand to reach her but she kicked him in the face breaking his nose. Soon all of his classmates began to hit him. He began to cry and asked them a countless times for what had happened but he just got more beating. Suddenly a loud explosion came close to his left ear and everything began to lose sound. Izuku just felled again but was kicked super hard in the gut by Iida.

"Get up traitor. You thought you could give all our information to villains and we won't even know." Iida said as he landed a punch on his face.

The door opened and in came, Skinny Might, Aizawa and Detective Tsukauchi.

"Izuku Midoriya you are under arrest for giving classified information to LOV." The detective said as he put a hand cuff on him and began to take him out.
Izuku was shocked at the fact that even All Might didn't believe him. As he was walking through the corridor he heard a familiar voice." Wait," All Might as he came close toward Midoriya. He plucked out his a strand of his hair and began to move back to 1 A while Izuku was being taken out of campus. In front of him was Nezu. He had a paper in his hand. "Izuku Midoriya you are expelled from UA."was all he said as he left.
Izuku was crying but the detective didn't care. He took Izuku to the prison where a lot of villains where kept.

"He's all your." Tsukauchi said as he pushed Midoriya toward a man with glasses and a gold tooth. The man wore a doctor coat and an evil grin on his face.

He took Midoriya to his own room which was rather big. It had tiled floor with design if a chess board. In the middle of the room was a chair with straps and there was a small table on its side.

The doctor told me to sit on the chair and tied me up." Please I am innocent. There has been a mistake."Izuku pleaded but the doctor looked like he didn't even heard it.
"Now then, this will hurt you a little but looking at the injuries it looks like you can take it." The doctor said as he prepared an injection and injected it in Izuku. "What did you gave me." Izuku asked with worry in his voice.
"A regeneration potion. It will make your injuries heal faster." The doctor replied while taking out something that looked like a nail cutter but its teeth were wide, thick and blunt. The doctor positioned it on one of Izuku's finger nail and suddenly pulled it out leaving a trail of blood.

"Ahhhhhhhh......AAAhhhhh .....Ahhhhhhhahhhhhhhahhhhaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh." Izuku screamed in pure pain as he struggled to get out of the chair but instead fell on his face.

"Now Now,,we still have a long way to go." The doctor said as he took out another one of Izuku's nail and Izuku screamed helplessly. He still couldn't figure out why was he in a prison and why was the doctor doing this to him.
~After several hours~
"I think this should be enough for today.Get rest , we will continue tommorow." The doctor said as he left Izuku still tied to the chair. His both arms were dislocated. All 20 of his nails were plucked out and his body had a lot of wounds and scratches but what hurt the most was his left ear. He couldn't hear anything from it only a high pitched voice.

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