Remus Leaves

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Disclaimer: Harry Potter does not belong to me. If it did, Tonks and Remus would have lived.

Note: There are several characters in this story who are alive even though they died in the books.

            Tonks couldn’t believe how lucky she was. She was married to the man she loved more than anyone and she was about to tell him some amazing news. It was late, and Remus had just arrived home from doing business for the Order for the past two days. Tonks had found out the good news the previous night and had been anxiously waiting for Remus to get home so she could tell him.

            “Remus,” she started, putting her head on his shoulder and her arm across his chest as they laid in bed, “Can I ask you something?”

            “Of course,” he replied.

            “Are you happy?"

            “Yes Dora, of course I'm happy," he said, "This is probably the happiest I've been in years."

            "Do you mean that?" she asked and he looked at her in confusion.

            "Yes, I do," he said, "Why? What's going on?"

            “Remus,” she started, taking a deep breath as he looked at her anxiously. “I’m pregnant.”

            Time seemed to freeze as Tonks waited with baited breath and Remus stared at her.

            “You’re –” he started, shocked.

            “Pregnant,” she nodded, “We’re going to have a baby.” She was smiling at him, but he could tell she was also nervous as she was biting her lip, a habit he noticed she had.

            “A baby,” he repeated in a daze, sitting up.

            “Remus?” Tonks asked, “Are you happy about this?”

            “Happy?” he choked out, “How could I be happy about this?” Tonks’s face fell and she felt as if her whole world had just crashed down around her.

            “W-What?” she asked, tears brimming in her eyes.

            “How could I be happy about this?” Remus repeated, “I have already made you an outcast, and now the child…” he trailed off looking distraught while Tonks stared at him in shock.

            “Remus, Remus please don’t say that. You haven’t made me an outcast.”

            “Dora you don’t understand! I have made you an outcast! This was a mistake... We never should have gotten married.” He looked at Tonks and saw that tears were now running down her face.

            “Please, Remus. Please.”

            “I’m sorry Dora, I can’t do this now.” He walked out of the room and went downstairs. Tonks lied down on the bed and buried her face in the pillow, shaking with sobs. She fell asleep shortly after and when Remus entered the room again she was sound asleep and the pillow was wet with tears.

            He pulled the blanket up and covered her shoulders with it, brushing her hair out of her face as her did so. He hadn’t meant to hurt her; he didn’t want to. But it was better if he wasn’t around. Remus went to the closet and pulled out a cloak. As he did so, Tonks awoke and sat up.

            “Remus,” she said quietly and he turned around to look at her in surprise. He looked at the ground after a moment before saying, “Goodbye Tonks.”

            Tonks stared after him as he left and felt her eyes burn with tears. They started falling again, but Tonks didn’t lie back down. Instead, she stood up and started pulling clothes out of the closet. She threw them in a rucksack and picked it up. Hurrying out of the room, she stepped outside, apparating to the first place she could think of. As she hurried up to the door and knocked. There was a moment of silence and then a voice spoke on the other side of the door.

            “Who is it?” the voice said.

            “Dad it’s me, Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin. Married to Remus Lupin, Werewolf. I am a metamorphmagus and prefer to keep my hair bubblegum pink.” As she finished talking the door opened and Ted Tonks stood on the other side. He took in his daughter’s disheveled appearance and the tears still streaming down her cheeks and pulled her into a tight hug.

            “Dora, what’s wrong? What happened?” Ted asked, closing the door behind them.

            “He’s gone dad! He’s gone!”

            “Who’s gone Dora?” He asked her, confused. Ted brought his daughter over to the couch just as Andromeda walked out of the kitchen.

            “Nymphadora? What’s going on? Ted, what happened?” Ted shrugged and looked at his wife helplessly. Andromeda hurried over to her husband and daughter.

            “Nymphadora? What is it? What’s wrong?”

            “He’s gone mum! Remus is gone!” Andromeda stared at her daughter.

            “What do you mean he’s gone? Where has he gone?” Andromeda asked.

            “I don’t know. He freaked and said it was a mistake us getting married and then he left when I told him…”

            “When you told him what Dora?” Ted asked.

            “When I told him I’m pregnant.” Andromeda and Ted looked at each other in shock. Pregnant. Their little girl was pregnant!

            “Oh Dora,” Ted held her close as she cried but Andromeda just sat there. All she could think about was that her daughter was pregnant with the child of a werewolf.

Okay, so I hope you liked it!

This is actually my third time uploading this story. I wrote it the first time when I was twelve and then decided to take it down and fix all the spelling and grammar errors and just generally make it better. However, I only got one chapter up before my life got crazy and then it just sort of sat there.

So, I have rewritten a few of the chapters and, without changing too much of the original story I had written, think it's looking a bit better (at least spelling and grammar wise) and hopefully now things make more sense.

I wasn't actually planning on posting it today, but I decided to do so anyway as today marks me being on for six years! It's so crazy to me that I've been writing stories here for six years. It started off as just something I did for fun because I loved writing so much and it's literally inspired me to pursue writing as a career. Thank you so so much to everyone who has read any of my stories as well as to anyone who has favourited/followed/reviewed! It means so much to me so thank you!

I will be updating weekly on Tuesdays starting next week! Thank you so much for reading and let me know what you think!

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