sea of authority (7)

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Alucard enters his Master's office and as usual takes his spot in 'his' debriefing chair. His slender legs cross at the knee and a pale chin resting on white symbolized gloves. The Vampire King has, for some reason, removed his aviator glasses.

Sir Integra is finishing up some paperwork then sets her pen down. The young blonde woman removes a cigar from a humidor and lights it. Her fingers pinch the bridge of her nose.


"Report servant," she orders him in a tired voice with a hint of irritation. "Why is (Y/n) not in Hellsing custody?"

Alucard clears his throat and simply stares, bewitching vampiric eyes, of the first Nosferatu and Seras, only are gifted with. He waits patiently with a shit eating grin plastered on his lips.


"Alucard I am not in the mood for mind games..." Sir Hellsing's looks up with a scowl.

Sir Integra blinks three times then puts her cigar in the ashtray. "What the fuck happened to you? Why isn't your throat healed completely?'

"Hmm...that is a question for the ages isn't it," he hums for a moment." Are you familiar with the Sanguinarius bloodline?"

"I remember my grandfather speaking of it. In his lifetime only some 100 Werewolves could claim that bloodline..." Sir Integra takes her cigar back. "And your vampiric crush is a Sanguinarius Werewolf?"

"(Y/n) is far from a 'school boy' crush. I have known them since the age of eight. A fever dream drew them to me and I have been connected to (Y/n) since then," his left index finger taps his pale chin three times.

"And why am I only hearing of this now servant?!" Sir Hellsing stands up and moves to be in front of her oak desk. "I am contemplating your life being stuck in the basement, drained dry."

"If you feel the need for it, my Master but..."

"Always the buts with you," she sighs. Integra knows she doesn't want to know this next bit. He's just too happy looking.

"You most likely won't be able to reanimate me easily and it would surely kill them," his grin widens to show fang. "We are bonded by blood now. The wound will heal soon but a scar will be left afterwards. I also bite her leg and it gives her some problems too..."

"She let you bite her? What the fuck was she thinking?" Sir Integra is pretty sure its all your fault, her stupid vampire, is acting weird.

"I have not had the pleasure to bite someone bodiless. The oh so sweet thing, decapitated me, with her teeth. Hence the scar that will form on my throat..."his voice lowers and ends with a chuckle.

"She took off with your head?"

"Hmm, some of that ridiculous vampire hunter garbage. First the werewolf bite would kill a vampire then she decided decapitation would then work better," a smirk crosses his lip to reveal a hint of the right fang.

Sir Hellsing knew that smirk anywhere. Alucard was in the mix of playing with his victim and sexual claiming. He was a nightmare like this. The sexual harassment claims skyrocketed when Vampire King was in this kind of mood.


"So where is she now?"

"Somewhere along the British coastline in the Irish sea, " his smile falters. "You called me back before I could fish her out of the ocean."

"Shit...what happens if she dies?" the blonde woman asks her diabolic vampire.

"I am unsure, as it is only the second tie shared between them and I..."he hums again.

He's not going to divulge information without his Master asking. It's just a little game that is played and it's not about to end tonight. He knows for a fact you still breath and have a heartbeat. In fact a boat has just fished you out of the ocean and is heading to London, as this little game is going on.


"Alucard! No more games tonight!"

"Master, it's all about the game. It has been and always will be so long I am in the service of Hellsing," his smirk diminishes slightly. "The first was the fever dream in which she sought me out. The second is the exchange of blood. There is a final step to complete the trinity of becoming a mated couple...."

"Mated couple? Well obviously sex," Integra snorts. "Not hard to figure that out."

"Mmm, which leads you to need to find them quickly," he removes his hat to place on his knee. "(Y/n) is starting a heat cycle and I am pretty sure it's the first one. The first is always the worst...."

"Of course and you are the only one that can fix it," Sir Hellsing folds her arms in irritation. "And?"

"Not much more....other than it also causes a 'rut' in the other chosen mate to be,"now comes the shit eating grin again.

"You are fucking joking?!" her voice is stern. "You are going to be in a rut soon? And draining you, is an iffy situation?" You fucker..."

"Now Master, its vampire fucker..." his eyes begin to dilate.

"Why are your eyes doing that?" Integra growls at him with disgust.

"Oh just the rut is becoming stronger, " he chuckles.

"Wait you vampiric are already in the rut?" she pinches her nose again.

"Yes...and almost to the point that part of me will override the logical portion of my mind. The sigils will keep here but..."

Integra now rubs her temples, "But what?"

"The sigils will no longer keep me from accessing level 0..."he licks his lips as he blows a breath out.

"So I have a vampire on nuclear reactor meltdown...." her voice warns him. "There better be a cooling solution."

"Hmm, there is..." he purses his lips to shift them for his fangs are painfully pulling on the gums of his jaw. They are down completely and the base of them are thick in size. This is the wild animal tear asunder drop of fangs. "I am allowed to go into London, as my form of old and claim her. There is a location in which such things are not revealed to the human populace. Then I return with (Y/n)"

Sir Hellsing mulls over his answer. She sees his hair lengthen to his waist and the Vampire King's outfit change to the black leather straight jacket. The symbols on the gloves are glowing eerily and warning that the Cromwell effect is at its limit to contain his changing and worse containment of power.

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