Chapter Nine - Lincoln

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We all go down stairs for some breakfast, everyone was passed out so we decided to eat upstairs. We made our cereal then went up stairs, Bellamy and I sat in his room whilst the girls in Octavia's room.
"So what do you think that dream was about?" Bellamy asks, "I don't know.. When our father died Clarke used to get really bad dreams, in her dreams either myself or our mother would die, even both of us sometimes.. She doesn't remember the dreams though so don't say anything about it.." Bellamy agrees, "so what? Like there coming back or something?" He asks, that was a good question.. Were her nightmares coming back? "It was hard enough on her the first time, luckily she doesn't remember anything, the nightmares stopped because we took her to the doctors, they gave her sleeping pills.." Bellamy nods to show he understands.. "So yeah.. If there coming back then I don't know what will happen."
The girls come into our bedroom and sit on either side of the bed. "Okay guys, all of you get up." Bellamy says and we all do so, he moves his bed around so we have more room, we all get back into the bed, I'm on the end, Octavia's next to me, then Clarke is next to her and Bellamy's on the other end. We put the tv on and watch it until everybody downstairs wakes up, last night was the second night of the lock-in, 5 more days to go.. Luckily we haven't ran out of alcohol yet. "So are we aloud down stairs tonight?" Clarke asks and Bellamy and I exchange looks, Bellamy sighs and then replies, "fine." Octavia and Clarke smile at each other, I can tell there excited.


We're downstairs and Octavia and Clarke are dancing. Miller, Murphy, Jasper, Monty, Clarke, Raven, Lincoln and Finn.. So everybody, are dancing as well. Bellamy pulls me into the kitchen, "what? What's wrong?" I ask, he looks angry. "Clarke said that on the first night of the lock-in she caught Finn in the room she was sleeping in.. Taking photos of her sleeping!" Anger filled me and I burst into the living room, I turned off the music and demanded Finn to come to the front of the room, he did. He looks scared.. Good. He's lucky I don't kill him here and now! "You been taking photos of my sister!" I shout, "whilst she's sleeping!!" I add and everybody is now staring, Finn stays quiet. Clarke rushes over to me and takes Finns phone out of his pocket, "what sort of password is 1234?" She asks, she looks on his photos and finds the ones of her.. Sleeping. She holds them up to my face so I can see, Bellamy comes over and looks at the photos, he then takes the phone and stamps on it, "now get out of my house." He says and Finn practically runs off. "Raven I'm so sorry." Clarke says and Raven hugs her, "it's not your fault, he's a dick anyways."
The rest of the night went well and we all fell asleep downstairs, either on the floor or on the sofas.

Next morning

I woke up on the floor and looked around, Clarke was sleeping on the floor along with Bellamy, I didn't see Octavia anywhere, I guess she went to her bed. I got up and walked over to Bellamy and Clarke, Clarke was using Bellamy's arm as a pillow. I nudge them both and they both jump up, "oh my god my head!" Clarke moans and I laugh. "Any dreams?" I ask, now with a serious face on, "no.." They stand up and Bellamy tells Clarke to go lay in his bed for a bit. She disappears upstairs only to return seconds later.. "Um Bellamy.." She says and both Bellamy and I stare at her in confusion, "there's already a girl in your bed.. And it's not Octavia." All three of us go upstairs to find a blonde girl asleep on Bellamy's bed. "Um.." Is all Bellamy can say and Clarke nudges her to wake her up, "who are you?!" But Bellamy and I already know who she is.. Mel. "What are you doing in my bed Mel?! How did you even get into my house!" She smiles at Clarke and I want to punch her. "Is this your new whore?" Mel asks, pointing to Clarke, "you got about five seconds to answer his question!" Clarke says, "or what?" Mel challenges, "or I'll drag you out of this house by your hair!" I can see Clarke getting angrier and angrier by the minuet, "bring it bitch!" Mel shouts and Clarke grabs her hair, Bellamy and I move out the way, Clarke drags Mel past us, Mel is kicking and screaming now, she manages to trip Clarke over and hit her, I was about to help Clarke but Bellamy put his hand in the way. "Just wait.." He said and I did, Mel was on top of Clarke, hitting her, then Clarke rolled over and started punching Mel, in the face. It only took about two punches before Mel was unconscious, Clarke had scratch marks down her arms and neck, some of them were bleeding but Clarke acted like they weren't there. I picked Mel up and brought her outside, I lay her on the grass in Bellamy's front garden and shut the door.

"Okay so we've established she got in through the back gate.." Clarke says and I head out side to lock and bolt the back gate. When I get back into the house I see Octavia cleaning Clarke's scratches, "I can't believe I missed all the fun!" Octavia complains and Clarke laughs, Bellamy is sitting on the kitchen table, next to Clarke. "I'm not sure if the lock-in should continue.." Bellamy finally speaks, I agree with him and so does Clarke and Octavia, "how do we tell everybody?" Bellamy looks at Clarke then replies, "I'll do it.. Now." Bellamy walks off into the living room and shuts the door.
The girls and I go into the living room after about half an hour in the kitchen, to our surprise everybody is gone.. That's was quick! Clarke and Octavia sit on the sofa, I go back into the kitchen with Bellamy and sit at the table. We sit in silence, thinking about everything.

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