Chapter Seven - Bellamy

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I run out after Clarke but it's too late, she's already gone out the back gate and could be anywhere. I stand outside the gate and see if I can see her, I spot her running and then she disappears round a corner, I ran after her. Once I got round the corner I see Clarke leaning against the wall with a bottle of alcohol, "Clarke! Where did you get this?" I asked taking it from her, "the boy that was just here was selling it real cheap.." She's smiling and starts laughing for no reason. "Okay. Let's go back to mine." I say and help her walk but she doesn't move, "no I don't want to go back and see Lincoln!" She shouts and she now looks as if she's about to cry, "okay, you don't have to, you and I can sit upstairs for a bit, upstairs I'd off limits to everybody but Octavia and I, Lincoln won't come up there." She nods her head and leans on me as we walk back to my house, we come in the way we came out and go straight upstairs, I take her into my room and sit her on my bed, "Bellamy.. Beeeelllllllaaaaammmmyyy." She drags my name out then laughs, "what?" I ask as I sit next to her, "nothing it's just the name Bellamy, I like it, it's cool. Not like Clarke! I mean come on Clarke is like a dogs name or something!" She lays on my bed and soon passes out, I go down stairs and let Lincoln know she's alright, he seems upset that they fell out but I'm sure they'll be fine tomorrow. I go back up stairs and sleep on my floor next to my bed.

Next morning day 2 of the lock-in

I wake up and look to see Clarke sitting up in my bed, "morning princess, I say and grin at her. "Don't even start! I can't believe what I did last night! Lincoln's going to hate me. I ruined the lock-in on the first night. Ugh I wouldn't be surprised if you hated me!" She's upset and hungover, if she remembers all of last night then she must remember who the guy was selling alcohol on the streets right?

I sit on my bed next to her and rub her back, "Lincoln's your brother, he'll just be happy your safe Clarke. And I mean Clarke the human, not Clarke the dog." I say and wink at her. She leans on my shoulder and shakes her head, "oh my god, I said I have a dogs name!" I laugh and remind her, "you also said my name is cool" she punches my shoulder lightly then rubs her head, "I can't believe I did that on the first night! And what am I wearing?!"
"Ah yes, the denim shorts and the crop top, I have some videos of you, Octavia and Raven dancing if you would like to see?" She nods her head and I play the videos, there's a bit where Finn gets in the way and as soon as Clarke sees him she tenses up, "what's wrong?" I ask slightly worried, "...Finn..." She replies in almost a whisper, "what about him?" She looks up at me with wide eyes, "he tried to kiss me last night, after you came down, I woke back up and he was in your room, watching me, I knew he was pissed so I just shook it off but then I realised he'd been recording me sleeping! Then all I remember is waking up, scared and confused and then I seen you on the floor, I felt safer, I sat on my bed, your bed, trying to work out what actually happened, if it was real or if it was a dream.." Anger, all I feel is anger, "I'll kill him" I say through gritted teeth and Clarke stands up, she stands in front of me. I jump up and our bodies are so close together, I go for the door but she steps in my way, "I don't know if it really happened Bellamy!" She says but it doesn't change anything, I knew it was, when I first met him I got a weird feeling, he made me feel uneasy and now I know why.

"Clarke it's clearly true! I'll kill him for even going in my room, he was obviously looking for you!" Before I can move for the door again she hugs me, she squeezes me and thanks me, "why are you thanking me?" I ask, still angry but not as angry as before, "because... you care" we walk back over to my bed and sit, she's still hugging me and I like it, I don't want her to stop. "Of corse I do, you're the princess" I say joking about and I see her smile and blush, "every time I came round yours with Lincoln, every time I seen you looking all rough and with no make up on, I was seeing YOU. And I grew to care for YOU and last night, with the drinking and the dancing, as good as the dancing was, it wasn't you." She releases me from the hug and leans on my shoulder again, "I'll make you a deal?" She looks up at me, "I'm listening" she replies and I smile, "if you don't drink tonight, I won't drink tonight, we'll be the sober buddies yeah?" She smiles again and agrees.

"Clarke before we go down can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure" she replies and I think about how to word this,
"Do you like Murphy?" She laughs and I'm confused, "oh Bellamy no, I don't." She's still laughing, "then why are you two so close?" I then think back to when she said he could stay in with all the girls, even though we made upstairs off limits in the end so they all slept downstairs anyway. "Bellamy I wish I could tell you, but I need to respect the fact Murphy wants it to stay a secret." I look at her and fit the final piece of the puzzle, "he's gay!" I say in a loud whisper and she nods her head, "don't tell anyone!" She begs and I agree, I can't believe it, one of my best mates gay and I didn't even see it till now. Clarke and I go downstairs and see everybody still asleep, "grab a few movies from the cupboards in the living room." I say as I walk I the kitchen, I come out seconds later with a bag of shopping from yesterday, "got some films?" I ask in a whisper and she whispers back, "yeah, I got all of them" I nod my head and we slowly and quietly go back upstairs, when we get back to my bedroom I explain what the plan is. "Today we have a movie day, all the guys will be drinking downstairs so I thought the sober buddies could do this instead, in this bag is snacks and fizzy. How many films were downstairs?" I ask and she counts, "12" she replies, "okay good, which one first?" I ask and she instantly replies, "mean girls! Then Angus, thongs and perfect snogging, I'm going to make you sit through two chick flicks!" My face turns to looking scared and she laughs, "paybacks a bitch!" She says and I remember our little incident with the tickling and the remote control.

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