a knock at the door

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The doors were locked and the windows were shut most of the time after what happened at that meeting, Agatha was trying her best to keep y/n safe from everyone else since they all despise her. The slightest noise from wind blowing too hard to small branches hitting the outside of the house made Agatha flinch.

Y/n was different. She would only get scared when there were knocks at the door, praying that she wouldn't have to go to one of those terrible meetings again. She hated the knocks, it always meant someone was trying to get to her. Her mother rarely answered the knocks, trying to pretend the two of them weren't home, but everyone knew they were home so it never completely stopped the knocking.

"Mommy?" y/n asked. "Yes dear?" Agatha replied, turning her head towards her daughter. "Are we... safe?" Agatha's smile quickly faded, a frown taking its place. "She's so young, she shouldn't have to be asking that question." Agatha thought to herself. "Come here baby." Agatha said, avoiding the question and gesturing for y/n to sit by her on the couch. Y/n sat next to her mother on the couch and cuddled up next to her. Agatha pulled out a book, it was y/n's favorite, she loved it when her mother changed her voice for each character. Agatha sat with the young girl, stroking her hair while reading the book. Y/n was falling asleep, she felt safe, her mother made her feel safe.


Many years had past, many years full of knocking, not being able to control magic, and people falsely accusing y/n of hurting others. The knockers came to the door every month, they had a different story each time as to why y/n is dangerous and why she should be forced out of the coven. Y/n was used to it by now and so was Agatha. They were both so tired of it, but Agatha's mother wouldn't let them leave.

Recently, the witches have been spreading so many rumors that they have decided that the best way to keep everyone safe from y/n is to try and take her away and hide her somewhere that no one will ever find her. Agatha has to hide y/n every time the witches come to the door. Y/n can hear her mother yelling, and sometimes she can hear the blasts of magic they are using to fight each other from her hiding place. She wants to help but she knows better than to leave her hiding spot, her mother always wins and rarely gets hurt so she doesn't really need to help anyways.

Y/n and Agatha were eating peacefully at the dinner table, laughing and making jokes with each other. Despite every bad thing that has happened to them, they were still happy. There was a knock at the door, Agatha sighed, "I can't finish one meal without them knocking at our door!" Y/n laughed before ducking behind the couch as a quick hiding spot since the curtains were open and the person at the door might see her if she ran over to her usual spot.

Agatha opened the door slowly, there was only one witch this time. "Well this will be easy." Agatha thought to herself. "You're daughter is dangerous, she-" "Needs to be taken away and hidden far from here, I know. You people tell me the same thing every time you come to my door." Agatha interrupted with a smirk on her face. Y/n let out a giggle. The witch raised her eyebrows and a smile formed on her face, "Was that the young witch?" Agatha and y/n froze. "She heard that?" They both thought. "It was wasn't it, I wonder where she could be." The witch gave a flick of her hand and magic swept through the living room, picking y/n up and pulling her outside.

"Ah, there she is, haven't seen you in a while." The witch said to y/n, grinning. Y/n was hovering over the ground, hands behind her back and ankles stuck together, she was helpless. "Put her down." Agatha said, she was good at masking her emotions, but y/n could tell that she was scared, "Or what?" The witch teased, "Will you hurt me? Because you know what happens if you hurt someone." Agatha's eyes filled with fear, "Let her go, she's a kid. She's still learning." "I don't think I will." The witch replied, keeping the evil grin on her face. Agatha knew she was just trying to get a reaction out of her, but the bad thing was, it was working. "Well, since you aren't doing anything I guess you don't care about her," The witch said turning to y/n, "let's give her a show shall we?"

Y/n's eyes widened before being thrown to the ground by the witch's magic, she yelped in pain. The witch turned to Agatha, "What about you? Do you want that to happen to you as well? Why don't we do it." She put out her hand to grab Agatha with her magic, but Agatha was faster than her. Agatha's eyes turned purple before grabbing the witch with her own magic and throwing her to the ground, the witch let out a whimper. "You don't hurt my daughter." Agatha growled, "touch her again, I dare you." "Is that a challenge?" The witch asked, the grin returning to her face. She tightened the grip her magic had around y/n and started to crush her. Y/n let out a small scream before the witch threw her to the ground again, except this time, it wasn't intentional.

The witches magic wasn't around her anymore and she was dropped, not thrown. She looked up to see Agatha flying and holding the witch, crushing her with her magic the same as she did to y/n. The witch screamed loud, she smiled, that was just the reaction she needed out of Agatha. The other witches ran out of their house to see what was happening, they began shouting at her. "Let her go!" "You're hurting her!" "Danger!"

Agatha's eyes widened before letting the witch go. "No, no you don't understand," Agatha tried to persuade them, "she hurt y/n first! I was protecting her!" Suddenly, Agatha was engulfed in blue magic, unable to move. She was caught. She quickly looked over to y/n to make sure she was safe, only to realize they caught her too. Y/n looked around the crowd of witches, trying to pinpoint who was holding them. It was Agatha's mother, "I'll take care of them." She said, staring them down.

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