(I) Fire

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Being captured isn't a new thing for me, but being in a cage, well, that's a new kind of low. I would have thought the Fire Nation's dungeons would be kept a lot cleaner, considering how many prisoners they must get, but they probably reserve the worst dungeons in the nation for prisoners of the royal family like me.

Well, that is, me and General Iroh.

He's been quiet this entire time. I can't say I blame him, what Zuko did to him was awful. From what they told us, they said he was named a proper prince of the Fire Nation again. Suits him well, I suppose.

They also said that the Avatar had died. I know I should feel sad, but deep inside me... I can't explain how, but I know he's not gone. I haven't heard from the others, either, which leads me to hope that they somehow made it out alive and for whatever reason, they're keeping it a secret, even from me.

But they'll come to save me. I know they will. Just wait and see.

I just wish I had someone to talk to. Iroh's always been kind to me, but for whatever reason, I know that I can't talk to him, at least not about this. Not when his nephew's betrayal still haunts him so strongly.

"You know, meditation is an art perfected by the ancient Air Nomads," I begin, attempting to start some conversation. "It's funny because you're supposed to be super quiet and focused, and that's two impossible feats for me. Aang always says..."

"You care about him, don't you?" Iroh asks, surprising me as he breaks his silence.

"Uh... Yeah. He's my friend."

"Friendship is important. It's always good to know you have someone to rely on when going through the hardships of life," Iroh notes with a slight nod. "I am glad to see you have this in the Avatar. He will need someone like you at his side."

"Someone... Like me?"

"There's much you still don't know, young airbender."

"Well... We have a lot of time to spare, right? Mind clueing me in?" I reply, raising an eyebrow. "You once told me that you owed it to my father to help me. Did you know who he was?"

"Yes. I knew your father. He was... Very dear to me," Iroh smiles for a few seconds, before his faces washes over once again with sadness. "You have a strong connection to the Spirit World, do you not, Alya?"

"I... Maybe. Sometimes, there's some things I can see and feel that no one else can. But what does that have to do with—"

"Meditation, it's important. It connects you with the innermost parts of yourself that remain hidden from the rest of the world. You should practice it," Iroh says, before resuming his silence.

Once again, I'm left with more questions than answers about my past. However, this time, I decide not to ask any further.


I glance up as I hear the rusty door creaking open. Walking towards us slowly, I immediately recognize Zuko's characteristic scar.

"Uncle... it's me," he begins, making me scoff in response.

"You've got to be kidding me. How do you even have the nerve to show yourself around here after what you did?"

"I'm not here to speak to you, airbender," Zuko retorts bitterly.

"I have a name."


"I have a name," I repeat myself, my voice slightly cracking, but mostly out of fatigue. "You've never bothered to learn it, even after all the time you were hunting me and my friends."

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