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random jean headcanons :)

- he lets you sleep longer than him
- he's a simp
- he falls in love way too quickly
- he always daydreams about the future
- he's extremely loyal
- he's usually the big spoon but he won't admit that he likes being the little spoon as well
- he snores quietly when he sleeps
- in the mornings he sometimes pretends that he's still sleeping so that he can hold you for longer
- if you try to get out of bed before him, he holds you super tight
- he loves playing with your hair
- he would hold your hand under the table
- he constantly brags about you, especially to eren
- he loves your laugh
- he blushes when he sees you
- he would make drawings of you but he would never show you them
- he doesn't get offended when you call him a horse, but when other people do it makes him mad
- he gives you hugs all the time
- he gets nervous when he goes to sleep without you
- he randomly flicks you
- he gets jealous super easily
- he hates when you hang out with eren
- when he sees you talking to eren, he makes up a stupid excuse for you to leave
- he would protect you no matter what
- he always holds your hand when you're walking together
- he lets you cut his hair when it gets too long
- he plays with your hair when he's stressed out
- he pokes you just to bother you
- he loves cuddling

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