My friends won't love me like you.

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" She looked like you."

Zayn didn't understand what Harry meant and wasn't quite sure how to react. But before he had the time to think Harry buried his head under his chin and he could feel him inhale his scent which made him close his eyes and resist the urge to runaway again. Being that close to Harry killed him, because no matter how much he loved him, he will never be his. So he swallowed back the ball that formed at the bottom of his throat and waited for what his friend had to say.

" I didn't go clubbing tonight." Harry slurs, the alcohol hadn't fully left his system yet. " Nadine came and we went to her friend's birthday party, Joey. He's a producer i think. " He paused and Zayn hummed showing he was following him so Harry continued, his voice booming in the quiet room. " Then Nadine was nowhere to find and the next thing I know is I'm totally wasted. I had a lots of shots .. like a looots. And that's when I saw her. You know .. The girl. She was dancing with some other chicks. And I was getting bored so thought why not warm up a bit ? So I walked up to her and all I could see was her long raven hair. Just like yours. " His voice cracked at that point and he buried his face in his hands. " Then she turned around. And she was .. she was beautiful. Not random beautiful.. But like really, really beautiful. " Zayn's heart sunk a bit at that but he shook it off. " She had these eyes. Big, brown, glimmering through thick eyelashes. Just like yours. " Zayn didn't understand where this was going. " I don't even know how, but i just .. I just leaned in and kissed her." Zayn felt like throwing up, so he sat up mind dizzy. He felt numb. He couldn't speak, he couldn't move so he just sat there staring at Harry's tattooed hands who were now on his own. " I kissed a beautiful girl, in a crowded place and i could've taken it further.. But I didn't." He stopped and run his fingers through his hair a humourless laugh escaping his mouth. Zayn didn't know why but he stopped breathing bracing himself for what was to come. " But I didn't. I didn't take it any further. Because all along.. I .. I found myself wishing it was you. " Harry's laughs had faded away and he was now gazing directly in Zayn's eyes. " I wished I was kissing you instead of her. And it made me pull back. I literally ran away. I don't even know how I managed to get here. Because how fucked up is that ? huh ?" His eyes were watering again and he closed them tight holding back the sobs before finishing: " Wanting something you will never have. "

Harry is now silent, and Zayn is frozen. He can't even take the risk to move or say anything at all because he isn't sure he heard well. His mind was a big mess, he couldn't process anything he has just been told and before he can think any further, his body reacts first, leaning in, face inches away from Harry's. His eyes scan every detail, making sure he takes it all in. His finger traces the curly boy's cheekbone slowly, to be sure he was real and he wasn't imagining this in his head, that it wasn't all just a dream. His heart was beating so fast that it might as well have escaped his chest. Harry was really there, his speech was real, this was real. His blood rushes through his veins and he meets Harry's lips. Harry's eyes instantly shut and he would swear his heart stopped at that exact moment. Zayn lips were cold against his, they weren't moving, they were just there, on his own and yet it made his inside flutter and a warm feeling spread at the bottom of his stomach. His thoughts are up side down, and all he can focus on is Zayn. His lips were much softer than Harry could ever imagine. They tasted like cigarettes and the faded flavour of mint gum. They were perfect. Zayn was perfect. Guided by lust, he makes the first move, liking Zayn's bottom lip, he responds letting out a soft gasp only making Harry want more.

He had dreamed of this moment for ages, day and night. Hell, had he even yanked off to the thought of this every night for three fucking years ! It was ironic that even with all of these girls around, all he was dying for were his best mate's lips. Everything in Zayn seemed too perfect to be real. He was a work of art : rough yet fragile, opened yet mysterious. Every detail of his being was worth pages and pages of poems. The way his whole face lights up and his eyes crinkle every time he smiled always took Harry over the edge. The first time he saw Zayn he couldn't even talk. He thought he just felt intimidated by him because for the first time in his life he met someone that could compare to his level of charm. He thought he saw him as a threat and that's why his heart beat faster whenever he's around, whether he's singing, eating, making funny comments or just laying on the same bed. Zayn's presence, his slight accent, his bright eyes and the way he laughs had always made Harry's interiors tingle. He never wanted to give it further explanation until one day he woke up to the news of Zayn and Perrie being a couple. He remembers how horrible it felt like, he remembers the tears burning his eyes, and the hole in his chest swallowing every other thing left. That was it. That's what took him to realize how deep he fell for the brown-eyed boy. The little burn in his stomach every time he'd see a girl chase Zayn wasn't because he was jealous of Zayn, it was because he wanted Zayn and he wished he could be the one chasing him.

The kiss was slow and they both wanted it to last forever. Actually, they knew it would in their memories. They felt on fire, tongues batteling, lips hot and hungry. Harry had lost control never before, he was desprate, desprate for this to lead to something, desprate for Zayn to love him, to show him this was something. Something great.

Zayn felt Harry's hand on his chest, playing its way up and down his bare torso, making him shiver and raising every hair on his skin. He felt alive. He felt complete. He felt on top of the world. Harry wanted him. Harry wanted this too. He wanted this just as much as he did.

" I love you. " He whispered as Harry's hand travelled down his spine and his tongue drew invisible patterns on his neck.

The words, the three little words, hit Harry like a train, making him freeze in his actions. Zayn did what ?
Harry's heart was pouding. He pulled away, looking at Zayn studying his expression. He didn't know if he was serious, if the words were meant for him, but he was craving them. He would give up anything and everything to have them be said again, to see them roll out of the brown-eyed mouth smoothly, in his unique low voice and his Yokshire accent.

" What ? " He finally manages reaching for Zayns hand and squeezing it. " What did you say ? "

He was amost begging.

" I love you." His voice was hoarse, he sounded certain and his eyes shone with adoration.

" You love me." Harry repeats and ut comes out more like a question than a statement.

" I love you." Zayn confirms squeezing Harry's hands tighter. " That's why I'm so sure I don't love her."

Harry couldn't believe his ears. His stomach was melting, his insides were all butterflies and fireworks. He felt delighted. It was all he needed to hear. His words were stuck in his throat so he spoke with actions, laying back on the sheets and pulling Zayn. This kiss was much hungrier. It was needy, passionate, breathless. Because, of course, Harry loved Zayn too. Madly, deeply, crazy, truly loved him.

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