08 | The Missing Queen

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     I groan as I sit up from what looks like too be a cell. The metal bars are splattered with dried blood. Well isn't that pretty? As I try and sit up the cold sement floor pain shoots through my back. They couldn't have given me a pillow or blanket? They had dressed me in a large t-shirt and socks.

I sit up from the floor all the way and go into a corner so I can try and keep my body heat around me. I tilt my head against the brick wall and let out a sigh which makes fog come from my mouth. Well at least I have a room I guess.

I start too doze off but I hear a bang on the door. I fastly lift up my head and see a large man standing at the door.

"Stay up, Alpha wants to speak with you. Why did you come onto our pack?" Wait this is a pack? Why are they asking me questions? They just think I'm going to awnser don't they? Well that alpha can frick off.

"Tell your alpha that I don't follow orders from anyone." He looks at me in almost shock and a growl comes from his chest and it puffs up and down.

"You will not disrespect our alpha! You intruded on our land!" He growled at me. I could feal my wolf wanting too put him in his place like we were above him in some way. But we weren't so I just kept quiet.

He unlocked the cell door and roughly grabbed me by my arm and dragged me up the uneven stairs to the next floor. We went up multiple sets of stairs until there were no more.

We walked too a door that had the word Alpha carved into it. What even is an Alpha? There was a light heavy scent that shocked me and my wolf. What is that? But before I could ask any questions the guy pulling me around like a doll knocks on the door. We hear a gruff voice,"Come in." I almost shudder at the power radiating off of just his voice.

The door is opened slowly and I am pushed into the room and the door being swiftly closed behind me. I whip my head towards a large built man in a chair behind a large wooden desk.

"Sit." He said too me as if I were a dog, I wanted to protest but just sealed my lips shut and sat down in a leather chair across from the man behind the desk.

He raises an eyebrow at me and looks over my body as if he were looking for something. I move uncomfortably which makes his eyes move back too my face.

"Why have you intruded on my land, pup?" I could hear Lin growl lowly at the word 'pup' but I just ignored her.

I clear my throat nervously, "I was looking for a pack." I said more as a question too myself.

"And why were you looking for a pack?" He looks at me judgingly.

I gulp down the lump in my throat, "My wolf recently told me I needed to be in a pack or else she would become weak." I continued on about that I had recently just shifted and knew almost nothing about the werewolf world. He just looked at me questioningly.

"You had just learned you were a wolf? And you are how old?"

"Twenty-five. I will be turning twenty-six in December." He seemed utterly shocked.

"Normal wolves shift at the age of sixteen. It is very uncommon for someone in their mid twenties to shift or too shift at all."

"I don't mean to be a bother to you and your pack Alpha, but my wolf became restless and I needed some awnsers." He looked at me understandingly.

And just as his mouth opened again the door swung open too show a women dressed in a pair of jeans and a short sleeved white v-neck shirt, Her blonde hair was pulled back into a small ponytail. Her eyes moved towards me and she gasped.

"You have the most beautiful hair I have ever seen!" She squels while touching my hair.

"Anna get away from her." I hear the man growl, She scoffs.

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