𝟙𝟛 , too many questions

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warning : things get a little juicy in this one again
who do you think our oc is closest too, besides luke :
a) alex
b) reggie
c) julie
d) your thoughts!! anyone from the cast...

♥ ♫ ♥ ♫ ♥

yesterday , waking her up

lukes pov

"i can tell when you do, you have a certain... tell."

my mind raced. i knew i was never good at hiding my emotions, or lying, i always showed everything plainly on my face. dang it.

but she was smart, and she knew me well, more than anyone, so she could tell i was keeping something from her. when in reality, i was keeping multiple things from her. i had to say something to settle her nerves, so she wouldn't catch on to the others.

one of them was that i heard her crying the other night, in my arms as we slept. it was horrible, feeling her cry in my arms broke me, but i didn't want to embarrass her by interrupting. i knew she wasn't as ok with this as she was letting on, and now i had the proof. and the incident last night at bobbies only proved my suspicions more. she was definitely not okay with any of this.

another one was one i had been keeping for a while. it was like a rot in my stomach, eating me up little by little. it was the fact that me and the boys went to bobbies before, desperate to get answers to why he stole our music. personally, i had other answers i needed.

answers pertaining her.

she made it known to us that they had gotten especially close before she had died, and that intrigued me. call it jealousy, but truthfully it's just curiosity. whatever it was, i just needed to know more. i trusted her and bobbie with all of my being, but i couldn't lie and say it wasn't something on my mind.

i needed answers, and i knew doing this with her would not help me find them. i didn't tell the boys these questions i had, but were able to make them promise to not tell her about the event. i said that it would just make her upset, and that i didn't want her to be, and they seemed to understand enough to keep it classified.

the third, and most crucial, thing i had kept from her was what i had found while looking around the mans house. something, still, that the boys didn't even know. something that could've changed everything had she not died that day on the windy, rainy street. but i couldn't even think about that right now, because she had been staring at me for too long and i needed to come up with something.

i figured the first option was the best one, and that's why i said "i heard you the other day."

and even though that was one less secret kept from her, the weight of the guilt only doubled.

𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒 , 𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now