interviews with the band ♪ the band

713 13 13

no oc, jatp cast
omg this was SO MUCH FUN I LOVE THIS CHAPTER! if you want me to do a part two or do something with them irl i'd so be down this was a BLAST!! i feel like there's other fun interviews i missed so if u think of one lmk :)
2016 words

─── ・ 。゚☆ ♥ ♫ ♥ ♫ ♥ ☆゚. ───


"yall ready!?" the crew said from behind the camera, and the band shook out all their nerves and took their seats on their stools.

"let's do this thing!!!" luke was way overhyped, but julie just laughed as the boy stopped jumping and sat down.

"okay, go!" the camera man said, pointing at the teens.


"hey i'm julie-"

"and i'm luke-"

"reggie!!" reggie exclaimed, making the group giggle.

"and i'm alex! and we're here to do the wired auto complete interview!"

"woot woot!" julie raised the roof while luke taped his chair like a drum.

"let's do this thing!" reggie said, putting his two thumbs up enthusiastically.


luke held the first board, since he was on the end, it was the perfect place to start. he turned his chair slightly, and held the board up as he spoke so both the group and camera could see.

"who are...." he mumbled while he pulled the first tape, "julie and the phantoms." he finished, "ah, an easy one!" he sighed in contentment.

"well WE are julie and the phantoms!" julie held her arms out in front of the group, "we are all in a band and our youtube is linked below if you haven't heard of us yet!" julie pointed toward the camera with a sly wink.

"tell your friends!" reggie chirped in, again making the group laugh.

"ok next one," luke said as he looked back toward the board, "who are... julie and the phat ones."

the teens bursted out laughing, and alex put his hand on luke's shoulder, "that one falls to you my friend." the boys smiled at each other.

"yeah," luke winced, "i have awful handwriting!"

the questions went on smoothly, the group instantly feeling relaxed enough to have fun with it. a few boards in, and questions began to get spicy.

"are julie and luke, from julie and the phantoms, dating?" the group had wondered why this whole question was blocked off with the white tape, and they all 'ah'ed in recognition.

julie was holding the board at this point, and all the boys 'oooooooo'ed at the tense question.

the two teens blushed and giggled slightly, luke raised his eyebrows mischievously at the molina girl. she just shook her head, and turned the face the camera with a straight face.

"no comment."

these words sent the whole group in laughter, and even the crew cracked up.

"i wanna be next!" alex pleaded, catching the board from the crew like a frisbee and smiled with glee.

"yay! ok..." he muttered to himself as he read the first question, "how do julie and the phantoms..." he peeled off the tape, reading as the words appeared, "disappear on stage." he smirked at the camera, raising his eyebrows chaotically.

𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒 , 𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now