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Welcome to my first ever book on Wattpad!

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Welcome to my first ever book on Wattpad!

This book was published and completed on the 13th of October, 2016 — the day I joined — having pre-written it on a word doc. So that having been said, it's safe to say this book is absolutely packed with cringe and inaccuracies written by my preteen self, therefore I would like to make a couple of points for you to keep in mind as you read:

1. This story has many inaccuracies relating to The Hunger Games fandom. Many people in the comments have been quick to point that out, and while I appreciate it, I cannot respond to every single one and explain that this was written in 2016. At the time I wrote this, I'd literally only discovered The Hunger Games fandom months before, and even then I was very new the concept of fandoms and the deep facts on Wikia pages that you dig into when you're in them. Please keep that in mind!

2. This story is a mess of weird storytelling and plot holes. Without spoilers, I wanted to pre-warn you of that. Whilst I am still, to this day, really proud of myself for writing all of this when I did, I also can't re-read this without wincing in cringe. Don't expect a Pulitzer-prize level of writing here, I'm just saying... although I'm going to shamelessly plug here and mention I do have another Hunger Games fic following a girl from District Six! It's called 'Iron'... you know, if you're interested... *wink wonk*

That's all from me. Thank you for reading this in the first place, because you must be a brave soul with a high toleration for cringe. I wish you the best of luck and hope you enjoy, as you enter this unchartered 2016 territory...

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