The Audacity

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Some badass Hermione for International Women's Day. 

This is similar to 'The Club' but not that similar, and it isn't the same timeline. Basically, Hermione works at a club, and Harry and Ron go to the club. She's dating Draco.

"And know that right here, right now
You can be beautiful, wonderful, anything you wanna be
Little me"

She finished her song off, panting slightly. 

"Now, next song is one of my personal favorites, here is 'Panic Room'." 

As she sang, she looked around the room. Two boys were snogging in the back, and another blonde girl was looking at them with an expression that made Hermione want to hit her. A redhead and black-haired boy had their full attention on her, but with all of the flashing lights, she couldn't see their faces. Draco, her boyfriend, had two girls practically attacking him but he ignored them completely, his full attention focused on her. 

Her manager Gus grabbed a blonde boy by the collar and dragged him outside. He had probably said something either homophobic or sexist, seeing as Gus was a huge feminist and pansexual. 

The redhead and black-haired boys were still staring at her. It was creepy, to say the least. But there was something unnervingly familiar about them in the way they looked. 

She finished the song and waved to the crowd before walking offstage, leaving her coworker Morgan to sing her songs. Morgan was kind of a weird and creepy girl. She always seemed to be yelling at one of the customers and most of the regulars were scared of her, but according to her best friend Grace, she was really nice when you get to know her. Smart too. She and Hermione would probably get along. 

The second she got to her dressing room she heard a pop. 

"Hello, Malfoy," she said with a smirk, turning towards him. Once she saw his worried expression, her smirk faded. "What's wrong?"

"Weasel and Potter are here," he told her bluntly.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not surprised. I didn't even leave London, it wouldn't take that long to find me."

"I'm surprised it took as long as it did."

She shrugged. "They probably weren't looking. After all, it's been almost three years and I can't imagine them actually committing to something for that long."

He snorted. "Forget about them. Come on, I promised you a drink, and I intend to follow up on that promise."

"Hold on," she said. "Let me change first."

Hermione put on a simple white knitted crop top and a black skirt, traded her red stilettos for black flats, and took Draco's hand, dragging him out of the back room and into the chaos that was the club. 

True to his word, Draco immediately left to go get her a vodka cranberry and Hermione found herself sitting on a stool at a small table watching Morgan, who was currently singing some song called 'Castle.'

A voice cleared itself behind her. She removed her eyes from the singer and turned to find a nervous-looking redhead. She sighed at the sight of him.

"Piss off," she told Ron, turning back to the singer. Harry let out an angry squeak.

Draco walked over with her drink. "One vodka cranberry for you, my love," he said cheekily, planting a kiss on her cheek as she took the drink.

She rolled her eyes. "You are so extra."

"What?" Ron spluttered. "Since when-what?"

Now Draco was the one rolling his eyes. "You're causing a scene. Let's take this somewhere private, shall we?"

"No! I-"

"Look," Hermione sneered. "Either you stop making a scene and come with us or I kick you out of the club."

She walked away with her drink.

They followed her. 

"Now," she said once she had settled into the purple cushions of the couch in her dressing room. "Why are you here?"

"We came to find you," Harry told her.

"Oh, that's funny! I don't remember asking you to find me. In fact, I recall leaving just so I didn't have to see your cheating ass."

"And we came to find you and apologize!" Ron exclaimed. 

Hermione laughed lightly. "I don't accept your apology, Ronald."

"And we find you with a DEATH EATER! Drinking something he gave you that is probably either poisoned or at least drugged," Ron ranted, ignoring her. "And he's just talking to you so you can shag or something."

Hermione stood up. "He didn't drug me," she snarled. "Nor will he ever drug me. At least he didn't have the AUDACITY to CHEAT on me!"

Her face was growing steadily redder by the second.

"I know I cheated Hermione! But I admitted my mistake and now I've come to get you back!"

"You think I want you back?"

"Of course! I'm so much better than Malfoy the ferret. We hate him anyways. But when I'm dating you again you can quit this job as a hooker and come cook and clean for me."


Her hand connected with the side of his face. 

"For your information, Weasel," she hissed as he held his face. "Draco is better than you will ever be, and I would never leave him. And I'm not going to quit this job! I love this job! You are an asshole and you need to leave before I do something I regret. And I think we both know what I am capable of."

Ron opened his mouth to talk but before he could say something else that was probably really misogynistic and stupid, Harry grabbed him by the shoulder and Apparated away.

She turned to Draco, and he was staring at her with eyes full of lust. She smirked. "I don't think he's coming back any time soon."

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into him, mouth meeting his in a heated, open-mouthed kiss. "You're such a fucking badass," he growled as he pulled away for half a second, before attacking her with his lips once again.

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