Chapter 7

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After Malcolm and Dani had finished packing, and Dani had changed, they headed to Dani's car to leave.

"So I was thinking we should spend the night at your place," Malcolm said to Dani as they got into her car after putting their suitcases in the trunk, "that way we don't have to worry about checkout time for leaving."

Dani chuckled at Malcolm's comment, "You just want to be in a familiar bed, even if it's not your own bed." She said and Malcolm chuckled and shook his head.

"That is not... that is..." Malcolm stumbled over his words as he tried to figure out something to say, "That is only half true."

Dani chuckled again as she drove the two of them to her place, no conversation between them but they did have the music playing softly on the radio.

Once they arrived at Dani's place, Dani got out of the car and walked around to the back to get her suitcase out of the trunk. Malcolm got out of the car and made his way to the trunk excitedly to grab his suitcase.

"You're like an excited little puppy," Dani said with a smile as they made their way up to her apartment, "but you're my excited little puppy." Dani placed a hand on Malcolm's cheek before unlocking her apartment door.

Malcolm smiled as they made their way into Dani's apartment, "Do you want me to make us some tea?" He asked as he set his suitcase next to the front door and Dani walked into her bedroom to unpack her suitcase.

"Sure, you know where everything is," Dani said from her room and Malcolm walked into the kitchen to start making tea for the both of them.

As Dani walked out of her room from unpacking, Malcolm walked over to the couch with two mugs of earl grey tea.

"If we ever get married, I don't want anything extravagant like Richard and Mary-Ann's was," Dani said as she joined Malcolm on the couch, "I want something small with our friends and family."

Malcolm passed Dani one of the mugs as she curled into his side, "If we get married? Not when we get married?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around her.

Dani chuckled as she took a sip of her tea, "Someone's getting ahead of himself," She said as she took the rings they had used for their fake marriage out of her pocket and handed them to him, "You haven't even proposed to me."

Malcolm chuckled as he took the rings from Dani and set them on the coffee table in front of them where he also placed his ring. He chewed on his bottom lip as he thought of the possibility of proposing to Dani.

"So, did you enjoy yourself this week?" Malcolm asked, filling the awkwardness that started to fill the room.

Dani smiled as she sat up so that she could look at Malcolm, "I enjoyed spending the week with you, and meeting Sarah and her kids, as well as meeting your aunt Birdie," She said as she set her tea mug on the coffee table, "I definitely enjoyed staying in a castle as well, even if we weren't the only ones there."

Malcolm set his mug down on the coffee table and turned to face Dani with a smile, "Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He said as he pulled Dani closer to him and kissed her softly.

Dani chuckled as she kissed Malcolm back letting him pull her onto his lap as they kissed, the two of them allowing their kissing to become more passionate, the two only breaking away to catch their breath.

"Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?" Malcolm asked Dani as he brushed strands of her hair out of her face and tucked the hair behind her ear.

Dani chuckled as she fixed Malcolm's hair that had fallen out of place during their makeout session.

"Have I ever told you how handsome you are?" Dani asked as she held Malcolm's face in her hands.

Malcolm smiled as he sat with his arms wrapped around Dani's waist, he could stay on that couch with Dani in his arms forever and he had planned on staying in that position for a while until Dani had reached behind her and grabbed a throw pillow, smack Malcolm in the face with it as she laid back on the couch laughing.

"What was that for?" Malcolm asked as he took the throw pillow and throw it at Dani's face.

Dani continued to laugh as she threw the throw pillow back at Malcolm and purposefully rolled off the couch, running to her room as Malcolm threw the throw pillow at her but missing and hitting the doorway of her room.

Malcolm quickly got up and made his way to Dani's bedroom and as he entered, he was hit in the face by one of the pillows off of Dani's bed, Dani's laughter filling the bedroom as she ducked down beside her bed.

Malcolm picked up the pillow that had fallen to the floor after hitting him in the face, "I don't know why you keep throwing pillows at my face," Malcolm said as he slowly and quietly made his way over to the side of the bed where Dani was and threw the pillow at her, "every time you throw the pillow at me, it gives me the ability throw it right back at you."

"That's the point of a pillow fight Malcolm," Dani said with a laugh as she stood up and sat on the edge of her bed, "have you never had a pillow fight before?"

Malcolm chuckled as he sat down beside Dani on the bed, "Pillow fights involve two or more people, each person with their own pillow. What we were doing was throwing a pillow at each other." He said and Dani laughed as she threw the pillow at Malcolm's face again.

After a while of throwing a pillow at each other, Malcolm and Dani eventually decided to turn in for the night. After the two of them had changed into their pyjamas, they climbed into Dani's bed, Dani smacking Malcolm with a pillow one last time.

"I will take your pillow away from you if you hit me again," Malcolm said with a laugh as he handed Dani her pillow back.

"Well if you take away my pillow, then I'll just use you as my pillow," Dani said with a chuckle as she placed the pillow under her head and laid on her side facing Malcolm, "but don't worry, I won't be hitting you with the pillow anymore."

Malcolm smiled at Dani as she turned off the lamp that was on her bedside table, cuddling into Malcolm's side as they laid in the dark bedroom.

"Goodnight Dani, I love you," Malcolm said softly as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Goodnight Malcolm, I love you too," Dani said as she rested her head on Malcolm's chest, closing her eyes and letting sleep take over.

Malcolm sat bolt upright when he woke up late in the night due to a night terror. His whole body trembled as he sat up in Dani's bed, his body starting to relax when he felt Dani's hand gently rubbing his back.

"Hey, you're safe. I'm here, everything's okay," Dani said softly as she sat up, still gently rubbing Malcolm's back.

As Malcolm laid back down, Dani laid with her head on his chest again. Dani couldn't help but worry about Malcolm. As far as Dani knew Malcolm hadn't had a night terror since the one he had during their undercover case, so it was a bit worrying for her to know that he not only had a night terror but that it was something he didn't want to talk about. 

"Dani..." Malcolm said and Dani sat up to look at him, "You don't need to worry, I promise." He gave Dani a weak smile that he hoped was reassuring, and kissed her cheek before encouraging Dani to lay on his chest again.

Dani sighed as she laid back don't, Malcolm's weak smile didn't really reassure her but she couldn't help but smile at the thought that Malcolm at least attempted to reassure her even if he had failed.

Malcolm hadn't fallen asleep again after waking up from his night terror so as the sun came up the next morning, Malcolm was up out of bed and doing his morning yoga routine in Dani's living room. Malcolm had known exactly what it was that had caused his night terror late in the night, he had become anxious as he thought of his plan of how to propose to Dani and the anxiousness of thinking about it had obviously seeped into his subconscious causing him to have a night terror.

"Hey, you're up early," Dani said as she walked into her living room as Malcolm finished his yoga routine.

Malcolm looked at Dani as he stood up straight, "I could say the same to you." He said with a slight chuckle.

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