Chapter 5

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The week had gone by and it was finally the day before Richard and Mary-Ann's wedding. As Malcolm and Dani walked through the halls before lunch, Sarah stormed out of the room they had been rehearsing the wedding in with her kids being followed out by Mary-Ann. 

"You can't leave, we're still in the middle of rehearsing." Mary-Ann practically screamed at Sarah as she followed her out of the room.

Sarah spun around to face Mary-Ann, "I will leave because a wedding rehearsal is done once and then is done. We have been doing this since after breakfast, my kids and I need lunch, and my daughter needs a nap." She screamed at the bride-to-be.

"My wedding has to be perfect, and you're ruining it," Mary-Ann screamed as Sarah walked away with her children and joined Malcolm and Dani who were heading towards the banquet hall.

"You okay?" Malcolm asked Sarah as he took Maya from her arms and carried her to the banquet hall.

Sarah sighed as she wrapped an arm around her son, "Mary-Ann has had us running through rehearsals for her wedding all morning and now she's mad that my kids need a break." She said as they entered the banquet hall.

Dani shook her head as they grabbed some sandwiches and sat at a table together in the empty banquet hall. 

"She's the worst bridezilla I've seen," Malcolm said as he shook his head, "She keeps threatening to kick people out but I think we've reached a point where she could commit murder if we're not careful."

Dani rolled her eyes at Malcolm, though she knew that what he was saying was slightly true. 

"This isn't even the first time we've done rehearsals for this wedding either. We did rehearsals all last week and she was mad at me because we couldn't show up until after Nathan was done school each day." Sarah said, and Malcolm and Dani stared at her in disbelief.

"Are you serious? This woman is insane." Dani said as Sarah nodded.

Once they had finished eating lunch, Malcolm and Dani walked with Sarah and her kids to their room so they could chat while Maya took a nap.

"I wish I could convince my brother to call off the wedding but I think that since the wedding is tomorrow, I'm too late," Sarah said as she sat on the edge of her bed and sighed.

"You could always convince him that they should since a prenup, you know, for in case they get a divorce so she doesn't get any of his money," Dani suggested, "though I guess we don't have the paperwork for that and I don't think we could get it here in time for the wedding."

Sarah chuckled slightly at the idea of Mary-Ann getting nothing if or even when she divorced Richard.

As Dani, Malcolm and Sarah talked, there was a knock on the door before Sarah's mother, Malcolm's aunt entered the room.

"Mother, if you're here to give me crap for storming out of the rehearsals then I don't want to hear it," Sarah said to her mother.

Sarah's mother held her hand up, "I'm not here to give you crap about it, honestly I should have left when you did because Mary-Ann is still making the wedding party run through rehearsals." She said as she sat on Nathan's bed.

"I'm honestly not surprised she's being a massive bridezilla, I'm just surprised Richard still wants to marry her," Sarah said with a sigh.

Dani looked at Sarah's mother, she had seen her all week but hadn't met her. She was tall, had auburn hair that was a tinge lighter than Jessica's, and her style matched Jessica's yet was also her own. 

Sarah's mother noticed Dani looking at her and smiled, "Hello, I'm not sure we've been introduced yet. I'm Birdie Milton." She said as she held her hand out for Dani to shake.

Dani shook Birdie's hand, "Dani Bright, I'm Malcolm's wife," She said as Birdie looked over at Malcolm, "So your Malcolm's aunt right?"

Birdie turned her attention back to Dani with a smile, "Yes, I'm Sarah and Richard's mother and Jessica's sister," She said before looking over at Malcolm again, "I didn't know you were married, Malcolm."

Malcolm smiled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah, we've only been married a few months but I love her so much." He said to his aunt as he looked over at Dani with a bright smile.

Birdie smiled at her nephew before remembering the reason she had come to her daughter's room.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I need help with something and I think the three of you could help." Birdie said as she pulled some papers out of her purse.

Sarah looked at her mother curiously as she was handed the papers, "Is this a prenup?" She asked her mother before opening the folded papers.

"Of course it is," Birdie said casually, "Do you really think I want that awful woman talking our money when she divorces your brother? I would have to be crazy to let my son get married without signing a prenup first." 

Sarah rolled her eyes as she looked over at Malcolm and Dani, "This is exactly what we needed," She said with a smile as she stood up, "As soon as Maya wakes from her nap and I have to go back to those wedding rehearsals, I'm giving these to Richard."

Birdie smiled at her daughter, "Well I'm going to steal your cousin and his wife so I can get to know her better." She said as she stood and walked to the door, Malcolm and Dani following her out.

Once Birdie was in the hallway with Malcolm and Dani, she looked at Malcolm before speaking.

"So Malcolm, tell me about how you and Dani met," She said with a smile, "I want all the details."

Malcolm held Dani's hand in his as they walked alongside his aunt.

"We met when I started working for Major Crimes. Dani was the first person Gil introduced me to from Major Crimes, I saved her life during our first case." Malcolm said as he squeezed Dani's hand, earning a smile from her.

Birdie cocked her head to the side as she looked at her nephew and his wife, "Alright, I must admit that I thought the story of how the two of you met would have been, oh I don't know, cuter..." She said slightly disappointed.

"There's nothing cute about a crime scene aunt Birdie," Malcolm said as the three of them walked outside.

Birdie scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I know that, I just thought maybe there was a different story of how the two of you met," She said as she led Malcolm and Dani to the garden, "Alright if your meeting wasn't grand, there has to be some sort of story of something you two did together."

Dani chuckled as she thought of the different stories she could tell Malcolm's aunt.

"Well, there was one time that Malcolm and I crashed the Taylor wedding," Dani said with a smile as she thought about Malcolm's reaction to seeing her in a dress for the first time. 

Birdie gasped excitedly, "You did? That sounds like it was amazing!" She said which earned a chuckle in response from Dani and Malcolm, "Tell me more about this wedding crashing you did."

Dani thought for a moment as she remembered that day. She wanted to give Birdie all the details but didn't want to say the wrong thing and gross her out.

"Well we had this case we were working where people who worked for the Taylor's were being targetted and we ended up realizing that the killer was going to kill their last victim at the wedding, so Malcolm and I had to go to the wedding to stop them," Dani explained making sure she was vague about certain details, "Well Malcolm and I got all dressed up, went to the wedding, and I took down the killer while wearing a dress and heels."

Birdie looked at Dani impressed, "You Dani, are my new favourite person." She said with a smile which earned a pouty look from Malcolm.

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