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After what felt like Kylo had spent a forever of unforgivable regret, the lord returned Queen Marillia to her entourage and came to stand next to him.

"My dear, dear Lord Vincent," Marillia said breathlessly as she briefly touched her jeweled necklace. "If I were to die tonight, I would die a happy woman." Curtsying delicately, her ladies-in-waiting followed suit yet dipped into an even deeper bow. When the Queen came up, she extended a hand to Vincent.

The lord took Mirillia's hand and touched his lips to her skin. "I shall be counting the moments until we meet again."

"And I the seconds between those moments," Marillia said as she gave the lord a wink before turning to his cousin. "Conde." Nodding to Kylo the Queen bid them farewell. Then, with a swan-like turn, she led her ladies away into the sea of people.

"It is apparent to me that you will find a potential suitor here tonight, my lord." Every word felt like thistles on Kylo's tongue.

"A suitor?" Vincent turned to him and raised a brow. "Someone to steal my heart away?"

Kylo nodded but try as he might, he couldn't hide the sorrow hiding in his eyes.

Leaning to Kylo, Vincent replied, "Perhaps."

At that moment, Kylo wasn't sure what hurt him more, Vincent's flirting with the queen or his reply. Perhaps it was the fact that he may be found out by his step-family that he deceived them and sneaked out of the house. He realized that being whipped sometimes hurt less than feeling betrayed. "Do you love her?" Kylo bit his lip when the words came out. As soon as they had, he wished he had not spoken. "It is not my place to ask, forgive me, my lord," he whispered and bowed his head.

Vincent took a step towards him and hooked his finger under Kylo's chin. "Do you know I have been dying all night to dance with just one person at this ball?"

Looking up, Kylo whispered, "The Queen is beautiful."

"I am not talking about Marillia, angel." Brushing his finger along Kylo's jaw, Vincent admitted, "I am talking about you. You are the only guest here I want close to me."

Stunned for words, Kylo's mouth opened and closed like a fish's. It took a moment for him to remember how syllables worked before he was able to speak. "I..I do not understand."

"Come." Placing his hand on Kylo's lower back, Vincent led him away from the music and people.

Through waves of colours and melody, Kylo and Vincent walked. Out of the ballroom, they headed down the hall towards the entrance where the doors stood open welcoming guests into the manor as well as allowing guests to walk out onto the property and stroll in the garden.

Few people were outside, most opting to enjoy the orchestra and expensive wine served. Those Vincent saw lingered under herculean trees, too intoxicated to notice the two men slip out.

The lord led Kylo down a secluded emerald path. Large rose bushes greeted them from either side. The scent of the flowers lingering around them was a delicate perfume. "Marillia and I have known each other for a very long time," Vincent began in a low voice intended solely for Kylo's ears."Even before she became queen. Do you know she is forty years old?"

Kylo looked up at Vincent shocked. "I thought she was my age, perhaps a few years older."

Vincent chuckled. "The ageless queen. That's what they call her. It is believed she bathes in milk as Cleopatra did and also never eats meat. That is why she looks so young." A pause came over the lord before he added softly, "But the truth lies elsewhere."

Slowing his pace, Kylo shook his head in confusion. "I'm not sure I understand."

"That is not the important thing," Vincent said not wanting to dig deeper into that matter. "I do want to tell you that what I said inside is true. You are the only person I wanted to dance with tonight." Stopping among the roses, the lord turned to face Kylo. "Marillia's ladies-in-waiting are not simply her ladies, they are her lovers. She prefers the company of women, always has. But it is frowned upon to have the Queen of Greece not interested in men. She was married yet bore no children. Since her husband died, she has been pushed to find a husband yet it is the last thing she wants. As Marillia needs to keep up the appearance that her heart belongs to me, I help her uphold this masquerade of hers."

Under the black gloves, his palms prickled with heat. A million questions ran through his mind, yet Kylo only asked one, "Why do you help her?"

Vincent jerked his brows faintly, "She is my friend. As I said, we have known each other for a long time. I never had any interest in her apart from friendship." Vincent stood nearly toe to toe with Kylo. Lifting a hand, he trailed it over the tips of Kylo's wings. "I would have asked you to dance," he whispered, "but I would have broken her masquerade. I am truly and pitifully sorry if I gave you any indication I wanted to be with her." He let his fingers hover over the last of the feathers, then paused before placing them softly on Kylo's arm. "I do not care if others know where my preferences lay."

The champagne made him feel both elated and weak. Shivering from the feathery touch, Kylo asked, "My lord, where do they lay?"

"With you," Vincent uttered, "Right here."

The music slipped out of the house and trickled into the garden. "Can you hear it?" the lord asked and Kylo nodded. Reaching out, Vincent asked, "Kylo, may I have this dance?"

words: 975

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