6- To Die For

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"My dear Lord Vincent." The step-mother took hold of her skirt and curtsied low. A fraction behind her, the two daughters mirrored her. When the mother looked up to the lord, she was all smiles. "My lovely daughters and I would like to personally thank you for your invitation. We have never been to a ball as grand as this one."

Drusilla and Elmira remained quiet but their gaze darted from the lord to the wing-wearing Kylo. In his costume, the women did not recognize him. When Dru mouthed to her sister asking who the angel was, Elmira just gave her sister a shrug.

Offering the woman a curt nod, the lord responded almost mechanically, "It is my honor that you and your family have come." Looking around, Vincent lowered his tone and added, "are there more members of your family for me to greet?"

Tossing her head to the side with a dry laugh, the mother replied, "Oh, no, no, no. My family is just my daughters and me."

When Kylo peeked at the lord, he saw the corner of the man's lip twitch.

"I see," Lord Vincent hissed quietly. Although a sliver of anger poked through his words the three women didn't notice.

"My Lordship, may I introduce Drusilla." Grabbing Dru by the arm, the mother planted her in front of the lord's nose. "She is my eldest. A fine, fine lady. You will not find another as delicate and charming as my Drusilla. She is not only beautiful but clever, too."

"My lord," Drusilla purred. Up close, she smelt of onions and expensive French perfume, both scents were overbearing as though she had bathed in them. "This night is the most exciting of my life. Your home is..." she paused before uttering breathlessly, "to die for."

Looking down at the much shorter Dru, Vincent pursed his lips. He tried to hold his breath as he gave her a quick smile. There was nothing beautiful about Drusilla, the worst part of her was not her pasty, homely face or her scent but her terrible heart and wicked soul. The lord, upholding politeness, gave her a nod. "Lady Drusilla. Thank you for your admiration but love is to die for, homes are to be lived in."

Dru looked deflated by Lord Vincent's comment.

Forgotten and feeling a bit jealous, Elmira tugged on her mother's dress. "And meeee," she whined semi-discretely, "Introduce me, too."

Grabbing Elmira hard by the arm, the mother made her cry out as she poked her fingernails into her younger daughter's skin. "This is Elmira," she said as she positioned her next to her sister, only inches away from Kylo.

Feeling as though he may faint, Kylo tensed as the women lingered so close.

"My ladies," the lord said as he gave Elmira a nod as well. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. As I was telling my cousin here," he lied as he placed his hand on Kylo's shoulder, "the ball tonight is filled with magnificent beauties."

The sisters blushed and giggled as their mother beamed.

"My cousin, dear ladies," Vincent said proudly, his arm running down Kylo's arm softly, "The Conde Angel Delmar from Madrid, Spain."

All three of the woman curtsied to Kylo. When they rose, the mother spoke, her voice was that of velvet and honey. "Are you here for the lord's Masquerade Ball, Conde Delmar?"

Feeling faint, Kylo opened his mouth but no words came out.

Swooping to save Kylo, the lord intervened, "My cousin is not proficient in either English nor German, I'm afraid. He is shy unless he is able to speak his mother tongue. I don't suppose you fine ladies know Spanish?"

All three shook their heads.

Kylo gave the lord a look of gratitude which the woman simply passed off as if the Conde was simply trying to understand what was going on.

Before they could cause Kylo any more upset, Vincent spoke. "You will all have to excuse us as I promised my cousin I would show him around the estate as he has never visited my home before."

"Of course, my lord," the mother said yet her gaze was fixed on Kylo. "Perhaps later, the Conde could grace me with a dance."

Noticing Kylo taking on a whiter shade of pale, the lord gave the step-mother a tight-lipped smile. "We shall see, my lady." Hooking his arm through Kylo's, Vincent led him away from the three deeply curtsying women he so badly wanted to destroy. 

words: 729

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