10. Talented

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Wayo's POV

Joss and the guys all gave me a quick hug as we got ready to sing. Joss handed me one of the back-up guitars and smiled as he set the microphone down to my level. I looked up, only long enough to see Pha watching me, then back down again. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe normally. I wasn't sure I could do this, but something made me want to try.

I knew what it was, as soon as I looked at him, I knew. Pha, the man I was crazy in love with. We hadn't known each other for long, but I wanted to be his so much. He'd sounded so happy when he introduced me to everyone tonight. He was poised, eloquent, smart, a successful businessman and I was just a college student with a rich father. I wanted to be something, anything that was special just so I could match up to him. I wanted him to have a reason to be proud of me.

A small part of me realized that I was feeling jealousy too. Pring was so perfect. Beautiful, young, sophisticated, and, if what Pha said was true, an excellent business partner for Pha. The way she looked at Pha made me realize that she had expectations of more than just a business relationship. He didn't seem to have given it any thought, but even I could see that she would make a perfect life partner for him. He might even be better off, not everyone was accepting of gay relationships and there was no way to know how dating me might affect his business in the future.

I knew it was true, but a stubborn part of me didn't care. I wanted Pha. I didn't want to give him up to anyone else, no matter how perfect she might be. So if I needed to improve myself to be a better match for Pha, then I would. Even if it meant singing in front of such a large group.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh. Love's my religion but he was my faith. Something so sacred so hard to replace. Fallin' for him was like fallin' from grace," I kept my eyes on Pha as I sang. Trying to imagine we were the only people in the world. "All wrapped in one he was so many sins, would have done anything, everything for him, and if you ask me I would do it again. No need to imagine, 'cause I know it's true. They say, 'All good boys go to heaven,' but bad boys bring heaven to you. It's automatic. It's just what they do. They say, 'All good boys go to heaven,' but bad boys bring heaven to you." (Heaven by Julia Michaels)

When the song finished, I said good bye to the guys and stepped down from the stage. Pha came to meet me and took my hand in his, "That was beautiful. You're an amazing singer."

"Thanks," I said, feeling the burning in my cheeks once again. I'd spent most of tonight covered with a deep blush, but I couldn't seem to help myself.

"It's getting late, do you want to go home?" Pha asked.

"Sure, if you're ready," I said, smiling. Truthfully, I was grateful to go home. These parties were always too long and too boring. I'd already exchanged numbers with Joss, so I was happy to leave the rest of this behind.

"But Pha, we didn't even get one dance," Pring complained. She shot me a hateful glare as soon as Pha turned his back and I took a step away despite myself. "Aren't you even going to introduce me to people or tell them I'm your partner?"

"We'll have a party once the partnership papers are signed and complete," Pha said, then pulled me along with him. Pring continued to glare at me as I walked away, but I tried to ignore her. It wasn't my fault that she had disappointed expectations, so why was she looking at me like that?

"Can you stay with me tonight?" Pha asked, kissing my hand as we sat in the car.

"Yes, if you want me," I looked up at him shyly, my heart bursting every time I saw the way he looked at me, as though I were the most important person in the world.

Pha just smiled. I'm not ashamed to say that I stared at him the entire drive home. I couldn't look away, he was everything I wanted, but even as he held my hand I was afraid. I didn't want him to realize that I wasn't good enough for him, so I had to work hard to be worthy to be the one he wanted.

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