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This is a short story that I finished while I was struggling with some of my other stories. I'm not particularly good at ending stories, it makes me so sad to see a story finish and feel like I'm leaving that world behind. It's a little heartbreaking to see the end, even though I know it's a good thing. I imagine that one day, when I get married and have children, I will have a very hard time letting them go too. It will probably be even worse than my finishing my stories. (My poor future children.)

Since I'm so emotional about it, I've decided to complete my stories before I post them online. Anyone who has been waiting for updates on my other story knows that at the end I can find a million excuses for not finishing. They're real reasons, of course, but I can't deny that I don't mind dragging it out.

Because this was just a short story, meant to take my mind off the sadness I felt at finishing something else, it isn't especially deep. It's a light story, fun and sweet. I hope you enjoy it.

Note: Whenever you see this


It means I've made a time jump but it's the same person's POV. The time jump could be short or long, but it should be obvious. I hope it still makes sense.

Forgive me if there are any errors or mistakes in grammar or spelling. I haven't had anyone edit my work. If you find any errors, please feel free to comment and let me know so that I can fix them.


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