J.J- Tupac, 1987

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"If you play this damn song one more time, Jada."  TuPac side eyed his best friend as she turned up the catchy Whitney Houston song.

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me

"Shut up Pac as long as I have control over this cassette player, this song will be playing." Jade stuck her tongue out as she made her way to the kitchen to finish up the popcorn. "When your moms gonna be back with your cousin? I'm ready to eat." Tupac rubbed his stomach and groaned. Jada licked her fingers that had butter left on it and shrugged, "Why you think I'm making a snack? Plus, this is the first time she's meeting someone new, so of course she's gonna take her time getting ready." Jada sneered. She wasn't a huge fan of her cousin. Since she could remember, they always bumped heads and competed against each other. Since that was her mom's brother daughter, they were around each other a lot growing up. Anything Jada had, her cousin wanted and proceeded to take. Not this time.

Tupac was the only steady thing happening to Jada at the time and she did not want her cousin to ruin that. If it was up to her, she'll never see her stuck up ass again. However, their family was big on spending time together so she was stuck with her until she becomes a huge movie star and move far away.

She really liked what her and her best friend had going on. They weren't official but Pac knew not to want anyone else. Well at least that's what Jada wanted to a believe. She was a very headstrong young lady and thought she made it clear how much she wanted the handsome teen to be hers.

"Well I can't hold out any longer, I'm about to raid the fridge-" Tupac started to get up from the couch when the door caught both of their attention and in came Jada's mom with a y/s/t (your skin tone) girl following behind her. "Im sorry I'm late y'all,  y/n held us up for quite some time." Adrienne glared playfully at the smirking teen. "Well it takes some time to look good." Y/n shrugged at her aunt and took out a lollipop.

She still have that damn sweet tooth.

Jada scoffed, "So what's your excuse?"

Tupac slowly sat down and eyed the y/n with a look in his eye. He liked what he saw and he wanted her.

Y/n glared at her cousin and chuckled, "Jada." They both rolled their eyes as Tupac sat back amused. This was his first time seeing someone get under his best friends skin and it was hilarious.

"Y'all cut it out. You both are getting too old for these games. Jada, introduce your cousin. If you kids need anything, I'll be in my room."

The silence was awkward as soon as the adult left the room. Y/n was eyeing the stranger on the sofa and while sucking the lollipop. "Yeah Jada, aren't you going to introduce me?" Pac looked back and smirked, "I mean we can do it ourselves."

"Tupac, Y/n. Y/n, Tupac."  Jada mumbled before making her way to the couch next to Tupac.

"Her favorite cousin." Y/n walked over to the couch and held out her hand. "The way she be talking about you, more like her least favorite. I'm her best friend." Jada frowned as Tupac got up and gave her cousin his full attention. she seen a sparkle in her cousins eye.


"Best friend? So ya'll don't have anything going on?" A small smirk appeared on both Pac and y/n face but for different reasons.

Pac had  a feeling that Jada was interested in him but he had no idea how big that interest was. He flirted with her from time to time but he was just a big flirt with everyone. This time, however, was different. He never met someone who caught his attention so easily and kept it.

Y/n, on the other hand, knew what she was doing. You could see from miles away that Jada was feeling her best friend. She couldn't blame her. At her age, y/n had plenty of guys come and go. She never was the type to be trapped in a relationship, especially at a young age. Tupac was different. She wanted him and she wanted him bad but knowing Jada liked him was going to make winning him so much more fun.

"I mean, I wouldn't say that..." he trailed off while looking at Jada. Her face turned red and she jumped inside.

Is he saying what I think he's saying?

He winked before laughing. Jada looked at him in confusion.

"I'm just playing. I'm a free man." He kissed
y/n's hand which made Jada heart drop when she followed his eyes.

Damn those huge things.

Y/n blossomed much faster than Jada and she used it to her advantage. She wore a peach colored tube top with some with some black shorts and sandals. In that day and age, the whole outfit was looked down upon for someone her age.

Jada had on a giant t shirt with leggings and socks.

"Well Jada you wouldn't mind if I got to know Pac a little more. Would you?" Y/n taunted while still seductively sucking on the candy, knowing her cousin was fuming on the inside. Her and Tupac were still slowly shaking hands.
They both knew what time it was. Jada had something y/n wanted and she wasn't going to let him go without a fight.

Let the games begin, bitch.

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